Cerita Liburan dalam Bahasa Inggris Panjang – Cerita tentang liburan atau pengalaman pribadi dapat diangkat sebagai tema dalam recount text dalam Bahasa Inggris. Bagi anak sekolah mungkin dapat menuliskan cerita ketika menjalani liburan semester.
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Cerita Liburan dalam Bahasa Inggris Panjang
Berikut ini adalah contoh cerita liburan dalam Bahasa Inggris panjang yang dapat kalian amati struktur dan unsur kebahasaan yang digunakan.
Vacation at the Ragunan Zoo

During the school holidays, my family and I plan to spend the holidays with my family. I went on vacation to the Ragunan Zoo which is located in Ragunan, South Jakarta.
The next day we arrived, we also provided the necessary items, the distance we traveled from Bangkalan was about 800 km. The road we took was very far and passed the longest bridge in Southeast Asia, the Suramadu Bridge.
After traveling hundreds of kilometers, we arrived at Ragunan Zoo, where the animals were placed in cages, we could only see wild animals outside the cage, and even then we were not allowed to be too close to the cage fence. And you have to keep going with the group and not be separated from each other unless you want to get lost.
Ragunan Wildlife Park is designed to protect wild animals or animals that are almost extinct due to irresponsible human activities. We as the young generation must protect these animals, not destroy and disturb their habitats, so that our future generations can see them.
Each animal is placed in a separate area and is bordered by a very strong iron wall and fence, so visitors feel safe, and each cage has its own guard to avoid unwanted things.
The atmosphere there is very comfortable, the place is very spacious, so it feels like it will take me a long time to go around Ragunan Zoo, and finally we found a suitable place for a little rest one day at night, when we rushed to go home on our way home I saw a beautiful sunset from over the flyover. There is no more enjoyable day than relaxing at the Ragunan Zoo.
Vacation at Home

Hi friends, now I want to do a little story during semester break at home. First week of vacation, that’s all. In the morning I run, continue to have breakfast and play on my cellphone, usually in online games until 10 o’clock, take a shower. After taking a shower, play again until noon, continue to pray Zuhur and have lunch. During the day they play, then at 4 o’clock they read the Koran with the teacher who comes home, continue the Asr prayer, and take a bath at 5 o’clock.
After bathing, they play again until Maghrib. Usually ordered to maghrib in the mosque with the mother. After the maghrib prayer, we continued to eat and returned to the Isha prayer at the mosque. After all, if you don’t play, watch TV, especially if there is football broadcast until late at night. If it’s 11 o’clock at night, just told to sleep.
The next day, Tuesday, the activities were a little different. Because after breakfast I was invited to go with my mother to the Grand Bekasi shopping center in Bekasi. At the mall, I just accompany my sister to play in the time zone with my mother in the shops, on the Cape too, because my sister is noisy and very energetic. After that eat and go home. When I get home, I play the computer again and do something like yesterday.
The next day, Wednesday, the activities were the same, only at night they were invited back to Place Bouaran, just to accompany shopping at Carefour, continue to eat and go home. When I got home, I played until the night, I continued to sleep.
Normal classes are on Thursday and Friday, the only difference is that report cards are due on Friday. I will not go, only my father. Father came home late at night with a report card, when he saw the report card was pretty good. The average is also good at 88.3.
Saturday and Sunday at home. On Saturday afternoon, my father’s brother arrived. I still play only when my mother asks me to shake hands, and then I am invited to speak. After you get home, play again. Sunday activities are still the same as yesterday. Different, in the morning a friend from elementary school came. Usually when friends come, they play games together until noon.
In the afternoon, around 2 o’clock, he came home. Actually, I was confused about the 2nd or 9th recording, so I asked my friends via FB. The first week of vacation at home, in my opinion, is not so boring, because sometimes I go for walks, and also play computer games with pleasure.
The second week was not too different from the previous week, only Thursday.
A bit special for me, when I was driving to Metropolitan Mall, my father was offered to buy a new lappie. I’ve always wanted, but I’m buying it now. Then, as usual, played into the night. Sunday is a bit confusing, friends on FB say Monday is a holiday. Instead of hesitating whether to go or not, in the morning my father called my class teacher Pak Yusuf. Turns out Monday really was a day off, so I could relax another day. Yes, this is a little story about resting at home, I think it’s okay.
Holiday in the Beach

A week ago, my parents planned a beach vacation during the school holidays with my sister.
It was still 6 am, but my family and I were ready to go to Pasir Panjang beach. We left early in the morning as it was about a three-hour drive from the house to the beach. My parents forbade me and my sister to bring cell phones because they wanted us to enjoy the trip and rest. So, we played a game like guessing the name from the first letter.
Two hours passed, We started climbing the hill. My sister and I began to observe this scene very closely. We were surprised by the beautiful view of the rice fields below. Unfortunately, I only had time to enjoy the scenery for a while, because after that I felt dizzy and nauseous because of the winding road up and down. My mother gave me eucalyptus oil. The aroma can relieve the nausea that I experience.
Finally, we arrived at Pasir Panjang beach. This beach is located in Seventeen District, Singkawang City. We headed straight for a small gazebo by the sea. Enjoying the breeze, we ate the food we brought from home.
I can’t stop looking at the beauty of this beach. Pasir Panjang Beach is not very famous, so not many visitors come here, so the beach is still very clean, which makes our family comfortable.
My sister and I really wanted to play, so we immediately ran to the beach. We did not hear the words of the mother who told us to apply sunscreen first. When the sea water touches our feet, you feel refreshed.
I found a long wooden branch on the beach. Finally, I caught him and dragged him all the way. After walking a bit, we arrived at the estuary, where the river and the sea meet. We stopped and looked back at the long wooden sand I had pulled out of here. For some reason, my sister and I thought that line was really cool. Then we decided to soak in the estuary first, because the water is calm, unlike the water in the sea.
We swam about 15 minutes before our parents called us. We all play in the water. Father asked us to sit cross-legged with our backs to the sea. When the waves came, we were dragged to the beach. It was very interesting because we didn’t see when the waves came, when my mother was just playing in the water on the beach and taking pictures with the camera.
After playing in the water, dad asked us to write on the sand. At that time, we wrote “Happy Family”. When I saw the picture on my mother’s camera, it was very good.
It was not yet 12 noon, but the sun was already shining very brightly. Our parents asked us to clean. After bathing, we prayed dhuhur in the mosque, next to it we took a bath. The event continued with warm meatballs on the beach. Nice to eat and see the beauty of the beach at the same time.
On the way home, my sister and I fell asleep. We woke up and found ourselves at home. It was a very pleasant vacation.
Akhir Kata
Itulah 3 contoh cerita liburan dalam Bahasa Inggris panjang yang dapat kami bagikan. Semoga bermanfaat. Anda juga bisa membaca contoh cerita liburan di rumah dalam Bahasa Inggris singkat dalam artikel kami sebelumnya.