4 Contoh Motivation Letter Beasiswa Luar Negeri yang Baik dan Benar

Apa Itu Motivation Letter?

contoh motivation letter beasiswa luar negeri

Motivation letter adalah surat yang ditulis oleh seseorang yang mencoba untuk mendaftar untuk posisi kerja, program magang, atau program studi. Surat ini berfungsi sebagai sarana untuk menjelaskan alasan kenapa seseorang ingin melamar pada posisi tersebut dan menunjukkan kualifikasi yang cocok dengan posisi tersebut. Surat ini juga dapat digunakan untuk menunjukkan minat dan komitmen seseorang terhadap posisi yang dilamar. Motivation letter berbeda dengan

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Hal-Hal yang Perlu Dihindari dalam Menulis Motivation Letter

Kesalahan gramatikal dan spelling yang salah

Pastikan untuk mengecek surat Anda sebelum mengirimkannya untuk memastikan tidak ada kesalahan gramatikal atau spelling yang salah.


Jangan menyalin atau menjiplak konten dari sumber lain. Motivation letter harus mencerminkan pemikiran dan kualifikasi Anda sendiri.

Menjelaskan kualifikasi yang tidak relevan

Fokus pada kualifikasi yang relevan dengan posisi atau beasiswa yang dilamar. Jangan menyertakan informasi yang tidak penting atau tidak relevan.

Konten yang tidak memotivasi

Jangan hanya menyebutkan kualifikasi Anda saja, jelaskan juga mengapa Anda tertarik pada posisi atau beasiswa tersebut dan bagaimana Anda akan menggunakan beasiswa tersebut untuk mencapai tujuan Anda.

Menjelaskan masalah pribadi atau keluhan

Jangan menyertakan masalah pribadi atau keluhan Anda dalam motivation letter. Fokus pada kualifikasi dan minat Anda terkait posisi atau beasiswa yang dilamar.

Format atau pengetikan yang buruk

Buatlah motivation letter Anda dengan format yang profesional dan baik, pastikan juga pengetikan Anda rapi dan mudah dibaca.

Kurang detail dan tidak spesifik

Jangan terlalu umum dalam menjelaskan kualifikasi dan pengalaman Anda, jelaskan secara spesifik dan detail agar pihak pemberi beasiswa atau perusahaan dapat memahami kualifikasi dan pengalaman Anda.

Hal-hal yang Perlu Diperhatikan dalam Menulis Motivation Letter

Menyesuaikan dengan posisi atau beasiswa yang dilamar

Pastikan untuk menyesuaikan motivation letter Anda dengan posisi atau beasiswa yang dilamar. Jelaskan kualifikasi dan pengalaman Anda yang sesuai dengan syarat yang ditetapkan.

Menjelaskan alasan melamar

Jelaskan dengan jelas mengapa Anda tertarik pada posisi atau beasiswa tersebut dan bagaimana Anda merasa cocok untuk posisi atau beasiswa tersebut.

Menunjukkan kualifikasi dan pengalaman yang relevan

Tunjukkan kualifikasi dan pengalaman Anda yang sesuai dengan posisi atau beasiswa yang dilamar. Jelaskan pendidikan, pengalaman kerja, keahlian, dan keterampilan yang Anda miliki yang sesuai dengan posisi atau beasiswa yang dilamar.

Menjelaskan bagaimana Anda akan menggunakan beasiswa

Berikan detail tentang bagaimana Anda akan menggunakan beasiswa tersebut untuk mencapai tujuan Anda, termasuk studi, riset, atau proyek yang akan Anda lakukan.

Menjelaskan bagaimana Anda akan memberikan kontribusi

Tunjukkan bagaimana Anda akan memberikan kontribusi pada masyarakat atau bidang yang Anda minati setelah mendapatkan beasiswa tersebut.

Membuat surat yang menarik dan profesional

Pastikan surat Anda ditulis dengan baik, tidak ada kesalahan gramatikal dan spelling yang salah. Buatlah tampilan yang menarik dan profesional.

Menyertakan dokumen yang diperlukan

Pastikan Anda menyertakan dokumen-dokumen yang diperlukan seperti transkrip nilai, sertifikat, dan surat rekomendasi.

Membaca syarat dan ketentuan

Pastikan Anda membaca syarat dan ketentuan yang ditetapkan oleh pemberi beasiswa sebelum mengajukan permohonan.

Contoh Motivation Letter Beasiswa Luar Negeri

Berikut ini kami bagikan beberapa contoh format penulisan motivation letter

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Contoh Motivation Letter untuk Beasiswa Doktoral dalam Bahasa Inggris

[Name of Scholarship Committee]
[University Name]
[City, Postal Code]

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my interest in applying for the [Name of Scholarship] for the Doctoral degree program at [University Name]. I believe that this scholarship would provide me with the financial support and the opportunity to further my education and achieve my career goals.

I have completed my Master’s degree in [Field of Study] from [University Name] with a GPA of [GPA] and I have been working in the field of [Field of Study] for the past [number of years] years. My work experience has allowed me to gain a deep understanding of the current research and trends in my field, and I have had the opportunity to work on several projects that have provided me with hands-on experience in conducting research and analyzing data.

I am particularly interested in pursuing a Doctoral degree in [Field of Study] at [University Name] because of the university’s reputation for excellence in this field, and because of the opportunity to work with esteemed professors in my field of study. I believe that this program will provide me with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in my future career and to make a meaningful contribution to the field of [Field of Study].

I have a specific research proposal that I would like to pursue during my doctoral studies. My proposed research is focused on [brief summary of proposed research topic]. This project is of great interest to me as it addresses a gap in the current literature and has the potential to make a significant impact in the field.

I am a dedicated and hardworking individual, who is committed to making a positive impact on the world. I am eager to use the knowledge and skills gained through this program to contribute to the field of [Field of Study], and to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.

I am confident that I am a strong candidate for the [Name of Scholarship], and I am fully committed to making the most of this opportunity. I would be honored to be selected for this scholarship and I am eager to contribute to the academic community at [University Name].

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my application with you further.

[Your Name]


  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Master’s degree certificate and transcripts
  • Two letters of recommendation from academic advisors
  • Any other relevant documents that required by the scholarship committee.

Contoh Motivation Letter untuk Relawan dalam Bahasa Inggris


[Name of Organization]
[City, Postal Code]

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my interest in becoming a volunteer with [Name of Organization]. As a highly motivated and compassionate individual, I am eager to use my skills and experience to make a positive impact on the community.

I have a strong background in [relevant skills or experience], and I believe that these skills would be highly valuable to [Name of Organization]. I am particularly impressed by the organization’s mission to [briefly describe the organization’s mission], and I am eager to contribute to this important cause.

I am highly dedicated and reliable, and I am confident that I would be an asset to the team at [Name of Organization]. I am eager to learn new skills and take on new challenges, and I am confident that my positive attitude and strong work ethic would make me a valuable volunteer.

I am available to volunteer on [days/hours available], and I am willing to work in any capacity that is needed. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the community and make a positive impact, and I believe that my skills and experience would be highly valuable to [Name of Organization].

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

[Your Name]


  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Any other relevant documents that required by the organization.

Contoh Motivation Letter untuk Organisasi dalam Bahasa Inggris


[Name of Organization]
[City, Postal Code]

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my interest in becoming a member of [Name of Organization]. As a highly motivated and passionate individual, I am eager to use my skills and experience to make a positive impact on the community and contribute to the mission of the organization.

I have a strong background in [relevant skills or experience], and I believe that these skills would be highly valuable to [Name of Organization]. I am particularly impressed by the organization’s mission to [briefly describe the organization’s mission], and I am eager to contribute to this important cause.

I am highly dedicated and reliable, and I am confident that I would be an asset to the team at [Name of Organization]. I am eager to learn new skills and take on new challenges, and I am confident that my positive attitude and strong work ethic would make me a valuable member of the organization.

I am available to participate in [days/hours available], and I am willing to take on any role or responsibility that is needed. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the community and make a positive impact, and I believe that my skills and experience would be highly valuable to [Name of Organization].
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

[Your Name]


  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Any other relevant documents that required by the organization.

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