Contoh Soal Advertisement Kelas 10 Pilihan Ganda

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Contoh Soal Advertisement Kelas 10 SMA SMK dan MA sederajat yang akan kami bagikan berikut ini berbentuk soal pilihan ganda. Untuk memudahkan pembaca dalam menyelesaikan, PenaGuru telah melengkapi dengan petunjuk pengerjaan dan pembahasan soal. Contoh soal advertisement ini cocok dijadikan bahan latihan dalam menghadapi soal PAS dan PAT Bahasa inggris SMA kelas XI.

Soal Bahasa Inggris tentang advertisement text ini juga bermanfaat buat bapak dan ibu guru yang sedang mencari bank soal bahasa inggris. Soal ini dapat digunakan dalam penyusunan instrumen penilaian harian, penilaian tengah semester, dan penilaian akhir semester.

Contoh Soal Advertisement Kelas 10 Pilihan Ganda

Silahkan pelajari contoh soal advertisement kelas 10 pilihan ganda beserta dengan jawaban dan pembahasannya di bawah ini.

Contoh Soal Advertisement Kelas 10 | PenaGuru.Com
Contoh Soal Advertisement Kelas 10 | PenaGuru.Com

1. Read the following text!

Smart, Quick and Creative Education
The phrases from the advertisement above indicates ….
A. the tagline
B. the product
C. the advertisement
D. the target audience
E. the price
Simple phrases to attract the audiences.
Tagline is a short, simple and attractive sentence or phrases to describe the product in order to interest the audience. From this advertisement, “Smart, Quick and Creative Education” is the tagline of Quipper School.

Contoh Soal Advertisement Kelas 10 | PenaGuru.Com
Contoh Soal Advertisement Kelas 10 | PenaGuru.Com

2. From the advertisement below, we know that the target audiences are ….

A. children
B. adults
C. men
D. women
E. people who drinks coffee
What product is being advertised?
The advertisement above promotes a product, which is coffee. Thus, the main target audiences for this advertisement are people who drinks coffee.

Contoh Soal Advertisement Kelas 10 | PenaGuru.Com
Contoh Soal Advertisement Kelas 10 | PenaGuru.Com

Read the following text for number 3-7!

3. The sentence or phrase that indicates the name of the product is ….
A. JRX Electronic. Cheap and cheerful
B. New series from JRX: Cheer1
C. Features: 4G, LCD Capacitive Screen 4.2”
D. Available in five colors: red, blue, pink, orange, and white
E. Stay young stay cheerful
What is the name of the product?
The sentence mentions the product, which is Cheer1- a new series from JRX.

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4. The product being advertised is ….
A. Memory
B. Camera
C. LCD screen
D. Battery
E. cellphone
What the advertisement is about?
The text advertises a new cellphone by JRX, which is Cheer 1

5. The target of the product advertisement is ….
A. Kids
B. the elders
C. teenagers
D. women
E. toddlers
Who are the target users?
from the tagline, “stay young stay cheerful with Cheer 1”, we can see the target of audience is teenagers.

6. The phrase from the advertisement above indicates ….
JK Electronic – Cheap and Cheerful
A. the product
B. the purpose
C. the target audience
D. the tagline
E. the advertisement
Catchy and memorable language.
Cheap and cheerful are adjectives that could make interesting and persuasive tagline.

7. The purpose of the text is ….
A. to sell a new JRX cellphone.
B. to persuade people to buy JRX electronic.
C. to exaggerate the JRX product.
D. to make memorable tagline.
E. to launch a new product.
What is being advertised? Why?
The purpose of the advertisement text is to sell or promote a product. The product being advertised is a cellphone, so the purpose of the text is to sell a cell phone.

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Contoh Soal Advertisement Kelas 10 | PenaGuru.Com
Contoh Soal Advertisement Kelas 10 | PenaGuru.Com

Read the following text for number 8-10!

8. From the advertisement, we know that TIMEMARK is ….
A. the product
B. the tagline
C. the discount
D. the target audience
E. the store
What is being advertised?
The advertisement promotes its product, which is a watch called TIMEMARK.

9. Choose from the following the best tagline to complete the blank number 9: ….
A. Just a common watch.
B. Shows time, like the others.
C. Marks time in a lifetime.
D. Shows your worthless time.
E. Your problem solution.
Find the most suitable and interesting tagline.
A tagline of a product should be interesting. This is to persuade the audience to buy the product. The most suitable tagline from the option is “Marks time in a lifetime”.

10. From the advertisement, we know that 50% discount is valid for ….
A. Students
B. students in Java and Bali
C. students who show their ID
D. students in all ages
E. everyone
Pay attention to the information.
The advertisement explains that 50% discount is for students with certain condition. To get the discount, the students have to show their student ID.

Demikian contoh soal advertisement kelas 10 pilihan ganda beserta dengan jawaban dan pembahasannya yang dapat kami bagikan. Semoga bermanfaat, bagi yang mencari soal advertisement kelas 9 SMP silahkan cek postingan sebelumnya!