Contoh Soal Advertisement Kelas 9 Pilihan Ganda dan Jawabannya

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Contoh Soal Advertisement Kelas 9 – Halo sahabat Penaguru, kembali lagi mimin akan membagikan latihan soal bahasa Inggris tentang advertisement text. Contoh soal advertisement text kelas 9 ini akan membantu Anda dalam memahami materi tentang iklan dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Contoh soal Advertisement kelas 9 dirangkum dari berbagai sumber yaitu contoh soal advertisement text smp kelas 9, contoh soal advertisement bahasa inggris smp kelas 9, contoh soal essay advertisement kelas 9, contoh soal bahasa inggris kelas 9 tentang advertisement, dan contoh soal advertisement smp kelas 9.

Contoh Soal Advertisement Kelas 9 Pilihan Ganda

Silahkan simak Contoh Soal Advertisement Kelas 9 Pilihan Ganda dan Jawabannya di bawah ini.

1. Read the Following ad!

Contoh Soal Advertisement Kelas 9
Contoh Soal Advertisement Kelas 9 | PenaGuru.Com

The only extraordinary toast in town
The italic word has the closest meaning with ….
A. Remarkable
B. Strange
C. Common
D. familiar
Find the synonym according to the context.
The word extraordinary means remarkable. It is to persuade people to come to Mama’s Toast.

2. Read the following ad!

Contoh Soal Advertisement Kelas 9 | PenaGuru.Com
Contoh Soal Advertisement Kelas 9 | PenaGuru.Com

When do people get free hot chocolate? They get it ….
A. on Saturday at 11.30am
B. on Sunday at 8pm
C. on Saturday at 6pm
D. on Saturday 11.30pm
Find the key words/phrases: people, free, hot chocolate. Pay attention to the day and time.
Special Saturday: Lunch: 11.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m, free hot chocolate.

3. Where can you find this ad?

Contoh Soal Advertisement Kelas 9 | PenaGuru.Com
Contoh Soal Advertisement Kelas 9 | PenaGuru.Com

A. at the restaurant
B. at a butcher
C. at a green grocery
D. at a barber shop

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Pay attention to every word in the ads.
The word ‘lunch’ in the ads shows that this ad is for in a restaurant.

4. On what days are the classes open?

Contoh Soal Advertisement Kelas 9 | PenaGuru.Com
Contoh Soal Advertisement Kelas 9 | PenaGuru.Com

A. Monday, Thursday, and Saturday
B. Monday, Thursday, and Sunday
C. Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday
D. Monday, Tuesday, and Sunday
Identify the Penjelasan: part of the ad.
It is stated that the classes are open on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday.

5. From the below advertisement, we know that the discount for Pinkycuty is ….

Contoh Soal Advertisement Kelas 9 | PenaGuru.Com
Contoh Soal Advertisement Kelas 9 | PenaGuru.Com

A. 33%
B. 50%
C. 30%
D. 66%
Calculate the old price minus the new price.
According to the ad the discount is 50.000. it is from Rp 150.000 becomes Rp 100.000.
33% of 150.000 is 50.000.

6. The followings are the characteristics of advertisement, except ….
A. Attractive
B. Persuasive
C. Brief
D. boring
Identify the characteristic of advertisement.
Ad should be attractive, persuasive, brief, and clear.

7. According to the advertisement, we know that the target audience is ….

Contoh Soal Advertisement Kelas 9 | PenaGuru.Com
Contoh Soal Advertisement Kelas 9 | PenaGuru.Com

A. Parents
B. Kids
C. Hotel
D. master of ceremony
Understand sentence: “Celebrate your kid’s birthday.”
The Hotel offers birthday package for the parents.

8. Read the following advertisement.

Kayu Manis Residence Type 45/98
4 bedrooms
2 bathrooms
Provided with electricity, water, and telephone
Strategic location, downtown
Contact person: Dewi 021 987685

The above advertisement promotes ….
A. House
B. Hotel
C. Bedrooms
D. bathrooms
Identify the facilities of a house.
In the Penjelasan:, it shows that the facilities of a house.

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9. The TRUE statement based on the below advertisement is ….

Contoh Soal Advertisement Kelas 9 | PenaGuru.Com
Contoh Soal Advertisement Kelas 9 | PenaGuru.Com

A. The materials are available in many colors.
B. It promotes wedding package.
C. It is only 150K for the first buyer.
D. Megashop sells ladies dress.
Read the fourth line.
The fourth line states that the materials are available in various colors.

10. Read the following ad.

Get the discount up to 50% for minimum Rp50.000,00 purchase.
We have new book collections from various well-known authors and publishers.
Use your member card to get addition discount up to 20%
“Backpack” is a window of the world.

According to the advertisement, we know that ….
A. Backpack is a stationery shop.
B. We have to shop with minimum Rp50.000,00 purchase then we’ll get the discount.
C. Backpack doesn’t have new book collections.
D. If we use our member card we’ll get the discount for 10%.
Identify the first line.
The first line shows that the minimum purchase is Rp50.000,00.

Demikian Contoh Soal Advertisement Kelas 9 Pilihan Ganda dan Jawabannya bersama yang dapat kami bagikan. Semoga bermanfaat buat Anda semua.