15 Contoh Soal Agree and Disagree dan Jawabannya

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Silahkan simak pembahasan dan contoh soal agree and disagree beserta dengan jawabannya yang akan PenaGuru.com bagikan berikut ini.

Agreement and disagreement merupakan ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyatakan persetujuan atau tidak menyetujui terhadap suatu topik dalam pembicaraan.

Biasanya materi agreement and disagreement diajarkan di kelas 9 SMP dan SMA kelas 11.

Contoh Soal Agree and Disagree

Contoh Soal Agree and Disagree
Contoh Soal Agree and Disagree

Berikut ini merupakan contoh soal agreement and disagreement pilihan ganda yang dapat dijadikan sebagai Latihan menghadapi penilaian harian yang sebenarnya.

1. The following expressions can be used to state agreement in a formal situation, EXCEPT….
A. Indeed
B. I could’nt agree more
C. I’m afraid I agree with you
D. That’s exactly how I think

2. The situation below in which an informal expression of agreement can be applied is….
A. Two classmates are talking about their favorite lessons.
B. Some students are in a meeting with the teachers.
C. Some students are discussing the school facilities with the school principal.
D. A student is taking part in an international conference about climate changes.

3. The following statements are true about formal expressions of agreeing, EXCEPT….
A. They are commonly used when two friends are chatting.
B. They are in the form of sentence rather than of word.
C. They are usually long.
D. They can be used when people share ideas in a formal meeting.


Andrea and Tina are bicycling around the hill. Suddenly, the rain falls.
Andrea: It starts to rain. We should stop and have some hot chocolate.
Tina: Good idea

4. The two girls will probably….
A. find a cafe and buy a drink.
B. stop having some hot chocolate.
C. keep on riding while drinking some hot chocolate.
D. talk about a good idea.

Conversation for number 5 – 7!

Some basketball players are having a meeting with their coach.

Contoh Soal Agree and Disagree
Contoh Soal Agree and Disagree

5. The bold statement means that player 3….
A. agrees to have more training and to stay fit.
B. doesn’t agree with the coach’s idea.
C. agrees that practice makes perfect.
D. doesn’t agree to practice more intensively and to stay fit.

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6. Based on the dialog above, the team lost the national tournament because….
A. they lacked training.
B. they were not fit.
C. their opponent was hard.
D. they had school exam.

7. The following statements are true based on the dialog above, except ….
A. The team lost the national tournament due to the school exam.
B. The coach gives positive suggestions.
C. Player 3 believes that practice is the key to success.
D. Player 2’s statement implies that planning the future is better than looking back at what happened before.

Conversation for number 8 – 10!

Contoh Soal Agree and Disagree

8. Sita and Titi are probably….
A. Classmates
B. Sisters
C. Roomates
D. playmates

9. Based on the dialog above, the following statements are wrong about Sita and Titi, except….
A. Both of them believe that he is the best action movie star.
B. Both of them hesitate that Cruise’s acting is great.
C. Both of their mothers admire Tom Cruise.
D. Both of them think that Cruise’s role in Mission Impossible is replaceable.

10. Two different statements from the dialog above about Tom Cruise that have the same meaning are ….

A. His acting in that action movie shows that he is still an action star with no equal; No one will be able to replace his role and to play as good as him.
B. Tom Cruise has also gained higher reputation after starring in those movies; No one will be able to replace his role and to play as good as him.
C. Tom Cruise has also gained higher reputation after starring in those movies and I think he should remain the main actor in that movie.
D. Tom Cruise’s acting is undeniably great; I think he should remain the main actor in that movie.

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11. One expression that can be used to state disagreement informally is….
A. That’s not right.
B. I am of different opinion.
C. I’m afraid I couldn’t agree with you.
D. With all due respect, that idea is too strange for me.

12. The situation below in which a formal expression of disagreement can be used is….
A. a student is talking to a librarian.
B. a girl is talking to her sister.
C. a mother is talking to her son.
D. two friends share about their problem.

13. The appropriate expression of disagreeing to respond your friend’s utterance:

Parangtritis beach has a wonderful view is….

A. I don’t think so
B. I couldn’t agree more
C. With all due respect, it is not no longer a recommended place to visit.
D. I am of different opinion on that.

Dialogue for number 14 – 15!

Dono and Indro are watching a football match on TV.

Dono: I bet Barcelona will win over Real Madrid this time.
Indro: I don’t think so. Cristiano Ronaldo will not let it happen. He remains one of the most productive players who scored a lot of goals.
Dono: That’s not true. Luis Suarez and Lionel Messi are equally popular as him.
Indro: Let’s see which team is the best.

14. The word him in the dialog above refers to…
A. Cristiano Ronaldo
B. Luis Suarez
C. Lionel Messi
D. Barcelona

15. The expression I don’t think so in the dialog above means that Indro…
A. disagrees that Real Madrid will lose.
B. thinks that Barcelona will win.
C. disagrees that Barcelona will lose.
D. thinks that Real Madrid will not win.

Akhir Kata

Itulah informasi terkait dengan contoh soal agree and disagree pilihan ganda beserta dengan jawabannya yang dapat kami bagikan. Semoga bermanfaat buat semuanya.