15 Contoh Soal Announcement Pilihan Ganda dan Jawabannya

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Contoh Soal Announcement Text – Simak pembahasan dan kunci jawaban contoh soal announcemet SMP pilihan ganda yang akan kami bagikan berikut ini.

Announcement atau teks pengumuman adalah salah satu teks fungsional pendek dalam Bahasa Inggris yang berfungsi untuk memberitahukan suatu informasi kepada publik.

Teks pengumuman menjadi materi Bahasa Inggris SMP dan SMA sederajat. Untuk membantu pemahaman tentang materi announcement, berikut ini kami berikan contoh soal announcement pilihan ganda.

Contoh Soal Announcement Beserta Jawabanya

Silahkan pelajari Latihan dan contoh soal announcement kelas 7 dan 8 SMP berikut ini.

1. Choose the sentence that is NOT appropriate to be an opening sentence of an announcement: …



The opening sentence of an announcement should be attractive to get the reader`s attention.


The opening sentence of an announcement should be attractive to get the reader`s attention. Option D is not appropriate because it is the form of long complete sentence.

2. Read the following text!

Contoh Soal Announcement Text


You use the text above for…

A. telling people information about location of the store.
B. giving your friend a short message.
C. warning people not to do something.
D. telling people information about a certain event.


The text above is an announcement.


The text above is an announcement. An announcement is used to tell people important information about a certain occasion or eve

The following text is to answer question 3 to 4.

Contoh Soal Announcement Text

3. The stock clearance will be held at ….

A. The First floor of Diana Department Store.
B. Branded bags and Shoes Stores.
C. all stores in Diana Department Store.
D. not mentioned.


The bottom part of the announcement stated the location of the sale.


From the announcement, we know that the clearance sale will be held on the first floor of Diana Department Store. The location of the sale is stated in the bottom part of the announcement.

4. Find the false statement below based on the announcement.

A. We can get some discount for home appliances products.
B. We can get some discount up to 50%.
C. We can get some discount there if we shop on February, 24.
D. We can get some discount there if we shop on February, 23.

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Read the names of sale products stated in the announcement.


Based on the announcement we know that the store is giving out discount for branded bags and shoes, not home appliances.

Read the following text then answer the questions 5 and 6 provided below.


A school charity program will be held on Monday, October 13th, 2014 at the school yard.
Students who want to donate books, please submit your donation to the library before Monday.

5. The announcement is about ….

A. School charity
B. School exhibition
C. Book charity
D. Book exhibition


What will be held on Monday?


The announcement is about a school charity program. The purpose of an announcement is usually at the beginning of the announcement.

6. You have many novels at home and want to donate them to the charity. You should ….

A. go to the school hall
B. go to the teacher
C. go to the library
D. go to the principal


Where do you submit the donation?


To submit book donation, you have to go to the library.

The following text is to answer question 7 to 9.

Contoh Soal Announcement Text

7. The correct word to fill in the blank no 3 is ….

A. Tuesday
B. Wednesday
C. Thursday
D. Friday


When will the meeting be?


The meeting is every Friday.

8. Choose the correct answer to fill in the blank no 4.

A. 14.00 – 15.00
B. 14.00 – 15.30
C. 14.00 – 16.00
D. 14.00 – 16.30


The meeting last for an hour and a half.


The meeting last for an hour and a half starting from 14.00, so it will end at 15.30.

9. The venue of English Debating Club meeting is at ….

A. the Student Hall
B. the School Hall
C. the Student Center
D. the School Center


The meeting is at student center.


Where does the meeting take place?

The following poster is to answer question 10 to 13.


Contoh Soal Announcement Text

10. The anniversary celebration will be … long

A. all day long
B. seven hours
C. eight hours
D. two days


Look at the time!


The question is about the duration of event. According to the poster, the anniversary party will be held in one day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. It is eight hours.

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11. The term ‘Golden Anniversary’ on the poster can be replaced by ….

A. A Century Anniversary
B. 50 Years Anniversary
C. 150 Years Anniversary
D. Great Anniversary


It is anniversary after half a century.


It is as stated on the poster that the school is celebrating its 50-year anniversary or the golden anniversary.

12. The poster does not answer the following question ….

A. Where does the anniversary take place?
B. What is the poster about?
C. When does the anniversary take place?
D. How does the anniversary take place?


There is nothing about how it will happen.


The poster doesn’t provide the information of how the event will be held. It only provides what event, the place and time of the event.

13. The following is the correct information according to the poster….

A. The celebration of the school’s golden anniversary is in April 29 at great hall 2nd floor.
B. The event is the celebration of the school’s 100 year anniversary.
C. If you need more information you can contact any student council officer.
D. The students should wear formal uniform if coming.


Look the star mark.


The only correct statement from the poster is about the information needs. The key is at the end of the poster.

The following text is to answer question 14 to 15.

Contoh Soal Announcement Text
Contoh Soal Announcement Text

14. The announcement is a/an … announcement

A. Informative
B. Motivated
C. Persuasive
D. provocative


Identify the content of the announcement.


The announcement gives information about the upcoming event.

15. The writer of the announcement is ….

A. Student Association
B. Diana
C. Chairperson of grade VIII
D. Principal


The writer is always written in the last part of the announcement.


The last part of the announcement shows the writer.

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