Contoh Soal Descriptive Text About Person

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Contoh soal descriptive text about person merupakan salah instrumen penilaian pembelajaran bahasa inggris khususnya descriptive text tentang describing people. Peserta didik dapat menggunakan latihan soal tersebut sebagai persiapan ujian semester atau PAS. Selain itu, soal descriptive text itu juga dapat digunakan sebagai referensi penulisan instrumen ujian oleh bapak dan ibu guru.

contoh soal descriptive text about person pilihan ganda beserta jawabannya terdiri dari 10 nomor soal yang telah kami lengkapi juga dengan petunjuk pengerjaan. Bagi yang masih merasa kesulitan, kami juga telah menambahkan pembahasan bagi soal yang agak rumit.

Table of Contents

Contoh Soal Descriptive Text About Person

Baiklah langsung saja simak contoh soal descriptive text kelas 7 pilihan ganda dan jawabannya berikut ini.

Read the conversation between Dono and Indro, and answer questions 1 to 3.

contoh soal descriptive text about person
contoh soal descriptive text about person

Question 1
Who are Dono and Indro?
A. They are cousins.
B. They are friends.
C. They are brothers.
D. They are best friend

Look at the first line.
Read the first line before the conversation. It is written that Dono and Indro are friends.

Question 2
Where are Dono and Indro?
A. They are at the train station.
B. They are in Singapore.
C. They are at the airport.
D. They are in Solo.

Look at the last sentence, Dono’s part.
Dono says that the plane is landing. Planes are landing at the airports.

Question 3
What does Kasino look like?
A. He is tall and quite fat.
B. He is tall and well-built.
C. He has big eyes and a pointed nose
D. he has a mooustache

Read carefully, and find the description of Kasino.
Look at the Dono’s part. He says that Kasino is tall and quite fat.
Kasino’s father is well built. Dono has a flat nose. No one has big eyes.

Read the following text, and answer questions 4 to 6.

contoh soal descriptive text about person
contoh soal descriptive text about person

Question 4
Here is the correct description of Tirza, EXCEPT: …
A. She is tall
B. She is thin
C. She has wavy hair
D. She has slanting eyes

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Find Tirza’s description in the table.
Tirza is tall, thin, and has wavy hair. Her eyes are small.

Question 5
Here is the correct description of Carol ….
A. She has curly hair and a flat nose.
B. She has straight hair and a flat nose
C. She has wavy hair and a flat nose.
D. She has curly hair and a pointed nose

Vani has a small nose and straight hair. Tirza has wavy hair.
According to the table, Carol has a curly hair and a flat nose.

Question 6
What does Vani look like?
A. She has staight hair, slanting eyes, a pointed nose and a mole.
B. She has straight hair, slanting eyes, a small nose and a dimple.
C. She has curly hair, slanting eyes, a small nose and a mole
D. She has curly hair, round eyes, a small nose, and a dimple.

Look at Vani characteristic on the second row
Look at the second row of the table. According to the table, Vani has straight hair, slanting eyes, a small nose and a dimple.

Question 7
From the following, choose the correct sentence.
A. My mother is straight hair.
B. My sister is a small nose.
C. My brother is round eyes.
D. My father is tall.

Look at the words after to be (is).
To be (is) is followed by adjectives. The word ‘tall’ is an adjective. Straight hair, a small nose and round eyes are noun phrases.

Question 8
From the following, choose the correct sentence.
A. My best friend has slim.
B. My uncle has short.
C. My aunt has long hair.
D. My cousin has fat.

Look at the words after ‘has’.
The word ‘has’ is followed by noun phrases. Long hair is a noun phrase. Slim, short, and fat are adjectives. The is, my aunt has long hair. This is a full sentence with a correct composition. Other sentences are incomplete in terms of grammar.

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Question 9
What does Dona look like?
A. She looks at me in the classroom.
B. She looks happy.
C. She is slim and quite tall.
D. She looks good

Look at the question. What is it asking about? Then, check the options.
The question is ‘What does Dona Look like?’ The question is asking about physical appearance. The sentence that describes physical appearance is she is slim and quite tall.
We don’t need a text to find the correct sentence in response to the question. What you need to learn is notice which question is asking for people’s description. ‘What does Dona Look like?’ is asking about people’s physical appearance and the only option that shows people’s physical description is, She is slim and quite tall. Other options d not describe people’s appearance.

Question 10
These following sentences are correct, EXCEPT: …
A. Liana has short wavy hair, tall and quite fat.
B. Liana has long curly hair, a dimple and a mole.
C. Liana has short curly hair, short and fat.
D. Liana has long curly hair, short and fat.

Look at the words after the verb ‘has’.
The is, Liana has long curly hair, a dimple and a mole. This is an incorrect description since the composition of the sentence does not follow the theory. The adjectives should tell overall description from the hair and physical characteristics. The sentence: Liana has long curly hair, a dimple and a mole only expose hair and face characteristics.


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