Contoh Soal Introduction SMP Kelas 7 – Pada postingan ini, sobat PenaGuru akan membagikan latihan soal Bahasa inggris materi kelas 7 SMP yaitu self introduction. Jadi meskipun kalian telah pernah belajar materi tentang introduction, tidak ada salahnya untuk mengulangi kembali agar jangan sampai lupa. So, let’s check it out!
Expressing Self Introduction
Ketika kalian pertama kali bertemu dengan seseorang ataukah misalnya pindah ke sekolah yang baru, tentunya kalian harus memperkenalkan diri terebih dahulu. Memperkenalkan diri kalian bukan hanya sekedar menyebutkan nama akan tetapi juga menceritakan beberapa hal mengenai kalian. Itulah yang disebut dengan self introduction yang dalam bahasa indonesia diartikan dengan memperkenalkan/perkenalan diri.
Untuk membuka perkenalan, kalian bisa memulai dengan ungkapan greeting atau sapaan seperti Hello, Hi, good morning, dan sebagainya. Setelah itu kalian bisa memulai dengan menyebut nama kalian. Contoh:
- Hello, my name is Budi.
- Hi, I am Amira.
contoh soal introduction SMP kelas 7
Dalam situasi formal, kalian mungkin bisa menambahkan dengan kalimat “Let me introduce myself or I’d like to introduce myself” sebelum menyebutkan nama kalian. Contoh:
- Hello everyone! Let me introduce myself. My name is Ferri Irawan.
- Hi, I’d like to introduce myself. I am Paramitha Rusadi.
Kalian juga bisa menyebutkan tentang alamat dan hobbi kalian. Perhatikan contoh berikut ini.
Name: Zafran Azis
Age: 13
Job: Student
City: Makassar
Hobby: Reading a book
Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Zafran Azis. You can call me Zafran. It is spelled Z-A-F-R-A-N. I am 13 years old. I am a student. I live in Makassar. My hobby is reading a book. It is nice to meet you.Name: Shadila Salsabila
Age: 12
Job: Student
City: Medan
Hobby: Swimming
Hi, I am Shadila. It’s S-H-A-D-I-L-A. I am 12, and I am a student. I come from Medan. I love swimming. It’s nice to meet you.
Dari kedua contoh tersebut, kita mengetahui bahwa Zafran dan Shadila sama-sama memperkenalkan diri tetapi dengan cara yang berbeda. Cara Zafran memperkenalkan diri lebih formal dibandingkan Shadila. Ketika guru kalian meminta untuk memperkenalkan diri di depan kelas, maka kalian harus menggunakan ungkapan formal. Kalian bisa meniru cara Zafran. Sebaliknya jika kalian memperkenalkan diri sesama teman, gunakan cara Shadila karena situasinya lebih casual.
Agar lebih paham nanti kalian bisa latihan dengan mengerjakan contoh soal introduction SMP kelas 7 yang akan kami berikan.
Asking and Responding Self Introduction
Kalian dapat menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan berikut sebagai variasi dalam melakukan self introduction.
- To ask about someone’s name, you can say:
“What is your name?” or “What’s your name?”
“What should I call you?”
“What do they call you?” - To ask about someone’s origin or where they live, you can say:
“Where do you live?”
“Where do you come from?”
“Where are you from?” - To ask about someone’s age or birthday, you can say:
“How old are you?”
“When you were born?”
“What is your date of birth?” - To ask about someone’s job or what activity they are doing at the moment, you can say:
“What is your job?”
“What do you do?” - You can also ask about someone’s favorites such as favorite activity, food, or color.
“What is your hobby?”
“What do you do in your free time?”
“What is your favorite movie/sport/color?”contoh soal self introduction SMP kelas 7
Contoh Soal Introduction SMP Kelas 7 Pilihan Ganda
Berikut ini adalah contoh soal introduction SMP Kelas 7 bentuk pilihan ganda yang dapat kalian gunakan untuk menguji pemahaman tentang materi self introduction in English.
The following text is for question no 1 to 5.
Fill in the blanks with the most suitable words.
Hello, classmates! ….. (1) myself. My …. (2) is Gerry. I …. (3) 13 years old. I am a …. (4) at SMP Negeri 1 Medan. My …. (5) Is painting. It is nice to meet you.
Question 1: The correct phrase to fill in the blank for no. 1 is …
A. “Let’s do introduction … “
B. “I’d like to introduce … “
C. “This is an introduction …”
D. “Let me tell you …”
Clue: How to start an introduction?
Pembahasan: To start an introduction you can open it with “Let me introduce myself” or “I’d like to introduce myself”.
Question 2: Choose the right answer to fill in the blank for no. 2 is …
A. Name
B. Hobby
C. Job
D. age
Clue: What is “Gerry”?
Pembahasan: The person says that he wants to introduce himself. Gerry is his name.
Question 3: The right word to fill in the blank for no. 3 is …
A. is
B. are
C. am
D. was
Clue: How do you tell your age in an introduction?
Pembahasan: We use “am” after “I” for the present time.
Question 4: What is the right word to fill in the blank for no. 4?
A. Teacher
B. Student
C. Librarian
D. principal
Clue: Gerry says “Hello, classmates!”
Pembahasan: to tell where you study you can mention the name of your school. For example, “I am a student at SMP Negeri 5 Bandung.”
Question 5: What word is suitable to fill in the blank for no. 5?
A. School
B. Job
C. Age
D. hobby
Clue: Gerry loves painting.
Pembahasan: to talk about what activity you like, you can say “My hobby is …”. If you have more than one favorite activity, you should say “My hobbies are …”
Look at the information about them below and answer the questions no 6 to 10.
Deva and Carla are introducing themselves.
Name: Deva
Age: 14
City: Makassar
Hobbies: Fishing, reading, and basketball
Name: Carla
Age: 13
City: Malang
Hobbies: Knitting, cooking, and tennis
Question 6: How should Deva tell his age?
A. “I am 14.”
B. “I am 14 years.”
C. “I am 13.”
D. “I am 13 years old.”
Clue: Deva’s age is 14.
Pembahasan: Instead of saying “I am 14 years old.”, Deva can also say “I am 14.”
Question 7: How should Deva tell where he lives?
A. “I am in Makassar.”
B. “I am from Makassar.”
C. “I live for Makassar.”
D. “I come to Makassar.”
Clue: Deva lives in Makassar.
Pembahasan: Instead of saying “I live in Makassar.” Deva can also say “I am from Makassar.”
Question 8: How should Deva talk about his hobbies?
A. “I love fishing, reading, and tennis.”
B. “I love fishing, cooking, and basketball.”
C. “I love fishing, reading, and basketball.”
D. “I love knitting, reading, and basketball.”
Clue: Pay attention to Deva’s hobbies
Pembahasan: You can say “I love ….” Or “I like ….” to tell about your hobby.
Question 9: How should Carla tell where she lives?
A. “I come to Malang.”
B. “I come to Makassar.”
C. “I come from Malang.”
D. “I come from Makassar.”
Clue: Carla lives in Malang
Pembahasan: Instead of saying “I am from Malang.” Carla can also say “I come from Malang.”
Question 10: How should Carla tell about her hobbies?
A. “My hobbies are knitting, cooking, and basketball.”
B. “My hobbies are knitting, reading, and tennis.”
C. “My hobbies are fishing, cooking, and tennis.”
D. “My hobbies are knitting, cooking, and tennis.”
Clue: Carla has three hobbies. What are they?
Pembahasan: If you have more than one hobby, you can say “My hobbies are………….”
Question 11: Choose the correct answers.
Dani: “Hello, I am Dani……?”
Vina: “Vina.”
What question is suitable to fill in the blank?
A. “What do you do?”
B. “What do they call you?”
C. “When you were born?”
D. “What is your hobby?”
Clue: Her name is Vina.
Pembahasan: Instead of saying “What is your name?” you can also say “What do they call you?”
Question 12: Choose the correct answers.
Viona: “Hi, I am Viona.”
Hera: “……?”
Viona: “It’s V-I-O-N-A.”
The right expression to complete the dialogue is:
A. “How old are you?”
B. “Where do you come from?”
C. “How do you spell your name?”
D. “What is your hobby?”
Clue: Viona spells her name.
Pembahasan: When you are not sure how to say someone’s name, you can ask how they spell their names by asking “How to spell your name?”
Question 13: Choose the correct answers.
Gilang: “…., Nora?”
Nora: “I am 14 years old.”
The missing expression is:
A. “Where do you live?”
B. “What is your name?”
C. “Where are you from?”
D. “How old are you?”
Clue: Gilang asks about Nora’s age.
Pembahasan: When you ask about someone’s age, you can say “How old are you?”
Question 14: Choose the correct answers.
Leona: “I am a student……?”
Redo: “I am a student too.”
Find the correct expression:
A. “What do you do?”
B. “What is your hobby?”
C. “How do you spell you name?”
D. “How old are you?”
Clue: Leona asks about Redo’s job.
Pembahasan: to ask someone’s job, you can say “What do you do?” But if you are still a student, then say, “I am a student.”
Question 15: Choose the correct answers.
Chandra: “I live in Surabaya……?”
Dimas: “I live in Semarang.”
What question is missing?
A. “What is your name?”
B. “What about you?”
C. “What is your hobby?”
D. “What do you do?”
Clue: Chandra asks where Dimas lives.
Pembahasan: When you share information about yourself and want to ask someone about the same thing, you can say “What about you?”.
Self introduction in English dilakukan dengan melihat situasi dan kondisi pada waktu terjadinya peristiwa tersebut. Dalam keadaan formal/resmi, kalian harus menggunakan ungkapan yang formal sebaliknya pun harus begitu.
Demikian informasi mengenai Contoh Soal Introduction SMP Kelas 7 dengan materi tentang self introduction. Semoga bermanfaat buat semua dan tidak ada lagi yang mengalami kesulitan dalam memperkenalkan diri kepada orang lain.
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