Contoh Soal Past Perfect Tense dan Jawabannya

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Contoh Soal Past Perfect Tense dan Jawabannya – Kali ini giliran latihan soal past perfect tense yang akan kami bagikan untuk Anda yang ingin mengukur sejauh mana pemahaman tentang tenses tersebut. Past perfect tense merupakan bentuk tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang telah berlangsung di waktu lampau sebelum adanya aktifitas baru.

Nah untuk menguasai past perfect tense tidak cukup hanya dengan menghafal rumus past perfect tense namun juga harus membiasakan untuk menggunakan contoh kalimat past perfect tense dalam percakapan sehari-hari. Setelah itu, Anda harus memperbanyak mengerjakan Latihan soal past perfect tense untuk mengetahui perkembangan pembelajaran Anda.

Contoh Soal Past Perfect Tense dan Jawabannya

Untuk mendukung hal tersebut, kami telah menyediakan contoh soal past perfect tense pilihan ganda dan jawabannya. Latihan soal past perfect tense berikut ini telah kami rancang dengan mengambil kejadian-kejadian umum yang terjadi di masyarakat sehingga lebih memudahkan Anda dalam memahami kontek pertanyaannya.

contoh soal past perfect tense dan jawabannya
contoh soal past perfect tense dan jawabannya

Ada dua bentuk soal yang telah kami sediakan untuk Anda yaitu contoh soal past perfect tense pilihan ganda dan soal past perfect tense essay. Silahkan simak dan pelajari contoh soal di bawah ini.

Soal Past Perfect Tense Pilihan Ganda

Choose the best answer for each question below!

1. Mahmud … to the lake before he went home.
A. Had gone
B. Gone
C. Went
D. Is going
E. Has going

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2. Cindy told them yesterday that she … Tokyo in 2021.
A. Is visiting
B. Had visited
C. Visited
D. Was visited
E. Had visiting

3. Galang … in Padang for seven years before he moved to Jayapura.
A. Has been living
B. Had lived
C. Lives
D. Lived
E. Is living

4. The teacher … the material before she gave the test.
A. Had reviewed
B. Reviews
C. Reviewed
D. Reviewer
E. Is reviewing

5. After Obet … Merauke, he went to Timika.
A. Visited
B. Was visited
C. Has been visiting
D. Had visited
E. Has visited

6. Before Marni went to sleep, she … his father.
A. Calling
B. Is calling
C. Called
D. Had called
E. Calls

7. Okto … at the supermarket for thirty-five years before he retired.
A. Had worked
B. Is working
C. Worked
D. Has been worked
E. Was working

8. After the committee participants … the results, they voted on the proposal.
A. Had considered
B. Has considered
C. Has been considered
D. Considered
E. Was considering

9. The doctor … the patient thoroughly before she prescribed the medication.
A. Had examined
B. Examine
C. Examining
D. Examines
E. Has been examining

10. The car … three times before it landed on its roof.
A. Has been flipping
B. Had flipped
C. Flop
D. Flip
E. Has been flipping out

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Soal Past Perfect Tense Essay

Complete the sentences using simple past perfect tenses!

1. When she … (WALK) through Yogyakarta she … (THINK) about the wonderful times she … (SPEND) there as a lecturer.
2. They … (ALREADY LEAVE) the hotel before the sun … (RISE).
3. As soon as he … (FINISH) cleaning the floors he … (START) bathing.
4. After I … (POST) the assignment I … (REALISE) I … (WRITE) the wrong address.
5. We … (DRIVE) for three hours when we saw the mount.

6. It was the first time that he … (INVITE) me for lunch.
7. John … (ASK) me if I … (BE) away on holiday.
8. When I … (GET) home last night my family … (ALREADY GO) to bed.
9. We … (BE) worried about Andik because we … (CALL) several times but he never answered.
10. When I … (ARRIVE) home I … (SEE) that someone … (BREAK) into my house.


Untuk menguasai materi tentang past perfect tense lebih lanjut Anda perlu untuk lebih sering mempraktekkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Silahkan berlatih dengan teman dan keluarga Anda. contoh soal past perfect tense dan jawabannya ini hanyalah Sebagian alat bantu dalam menguji pemahaman Anda.

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