Contoh Soal Procedure Text Pilihan Ganda dan Pembahasannya

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Contoh Soal Procedure Text Pilihan Ganda dan Pembahasannya merupakan salah satu instrument yang dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pencapaian kompetensi peserta didik tentang procedure text. Melalui Latihan soal tersebut mereka dapat mengukur sejauh mana pemahaman mereka sendiri.

Soal procedure text ini juga dapat digunakan sebagai referensi dalam penyusunan soal penilaian harian Bahasa inggris kompetensi dasar tentang procedure text. Guru tinggal menyesuaikan dengan silabus dan indicator pembelajaran yang telah diberikan.

Contoh Soal Procedure Text Pilihan Ganda dan Pembahasannya

Materi yang terdapat dalam contoh soal procedure text pilihan ganda berikut ini terdiri dari procedure text about recipes dan manuals. Semuanya telah kami lengkapi dengan petunjuk pengerjaan sekaligus dengan pembahasan terhadap soal yang membutuhkan penjelasan lebih lanjut.

Jumlah soal yang terdapat dalam contoh soal procedure text ini sebanyak 15 nomor soal. Semoga jumlah ini cukup untuk membantu menguasai materi tersebut.

Baiklah, langsung saja simak dan kerjakan contoh soal procedure text pilihan ganda dan pembahasannya di bawah ini.

The following text is for question number 1 – 5!

Contoh Soal Procedure Text Pilihan Ganda dan Pembahasannya
Contoh Soal Procedure Text Pilihan Ganda dan Pembahasannya

Question 1: The manual above is a kind of….
A. electronic product
B. household product
C. medical instruments
D. cooking too

Petunjuk: Identify the title of the manual above and find the clue of the title. Then, classify the clue into what product it belongs to.
Pembahasan: The title of the manual above is “How to Maintain Printer Kanon E-511 Series”. Printer is a kind of electronic product used to print words or pictures by using computer, laptop, or smart phone. In using printer, you will need the electricity to power the printer ON. So, the manual above is a kind of “electronic product”

Question 2: If we want to shut down the Printer, we should click ….
A. Power Off
B. Auto Power
C. Custom Setting
D. Print Ahead Alignment

Petunjuk: Find the information about shutdown the printer in manual. Then, find your correct answer based on the statement.
Pembahasan: You can find the information about shutdown the printer in steps number 9. Read carefully the statement “You can shutdown from the printer manually by clicking the power off”. From this statement, we can conclude that to shutdown the printer we can use “Power Off”

Question 3: To change the colour into black, we have to ….
A. click Ink Cartridge Setting and choose Black Only
B. click Ink Cartridge Setting and choose Colour Only
C. click Ink Cartridge Setting and choose Black and Colour
D. click Roller Cleaning and choose Black Only

Petunjuk: Find the information about “change the colour” in manual. Then, find your correct answer based on the statement.
Pembahasan: You can find the information about change the colour in step number 6. See the statement “You can set your printing colour result by clicking the Ink Cartridge Setting”. From this statement, we can change the colour by clicking the Ink Cartridge Setting. So, to change the colour into the black, we have to “click Ink Cartridge Setting and choose Black Only”

Question 4: The name of the product is….
B. User’s Guide
C. Operating the monitor
D. Adjust the resolution

Petunjuk: Identify the information of the manual above. Then, find the name of the product.
Pembahasan: From the picture and the information, we know that the product is a monitor. The brand or the name of the monitor can be seen from the cover and the picture of the manual. The product’s name is “ES-SAMSUN”

Question 5: From the text we know that….
A. The default resolution is 1366 x 768 @60Hz
B. ES-SAMSUN is a kind of household appliance
C. Not all ES-SAMSUN products has On-Screen Display (OSD) feature
D. The monitor resolution is 1366 x 768 @60Hz and cannot be adjusted to different resolution

Baca juga :  Contoh Soal Descriptive Text Pilihan Ganda Beserta Jawabannya

Petunjuk: Read carefully the above manual. Identify the information you can find then match the information of the manual with the statement of the answers.
Pembahasan: The question is asking the correct information about the manual. From the manual, we know some information like “ES-SAMSUN is a kind of electronic tools, NOT household appliance”. Then ALL ES-SAMSUN products has On-Screen Display (OSD) feature”. Another information is that “The monitor resolution is 1366 x 768 @60Hz and CAN be adjusted to different resolution” and “The default resolution is 1366 x 768 @60Hz”.
The correct statement is “The default resolution is 1366 x 768 @60Hz”.

Contoh Soal Procedure Text Pilihan Ganda dan Pembahasannya
contoh soal procedure text pilihan ganda dan pembahasannya

The following text is for 6 – 7!

Question 6: Look at the manual.
“…It allows an end user to adjust screen performance on select functions …”
The italic word has the same meaning with….
A. Enables
B. Disables
C. Forbids
D. bans

Petunjuk: Find and understand the information of the word “allows” on the manual. Then, find the similar meaning of the word “allow”.
Pembahasan: The word allows in the text means that it is possible for someone to do something. The word allows has the same meaning with “enable”.
While another answer “disable”, has the same meaning with “forbids”, and “bans” and it is the antonym of the word allow. They have meaning impossible for someone to do something.

Question 7: If we want to play game by using this monitor, to get the best view we can….
A. select game mode in SmartImage Lite
B. switch monitor’s power ON
C. change display to 4:3
D. change signal input source to game mode

Petunjuk: Read carefully the above manual. Identify the information you can find about “game” then match the information of the manual with the statement of the answers.
Pembahasan: We can find some information about game in operating the monitor in Pembahasan: number 4. From the Pembahasan: , we know that there are three modes can be selected in SmartImage Lite: Standard, Internet, and Game. To play game, the best mode is by select game mode in “SmartImage Lite”

Read the following text for questions number 8 – 10!

Contoh Soal Procedure Text Pilihan Ganda dan Pembahasannya
Contoh Soal Procedure Text Pilihan Ganda dan Pembahasannya

Question 8: The first step to use hot and cool water dispenser is….
A. Place water dispenser in the flat and secure base
B. Plug power cord to the power outlet
C. Clean the gallon that will be put on the water dispenser
D. Wait until the red color turns into yellow

Petunjuk: The question is asking about the first step to use hot and cool water. Find the information on the manual.
Pembahasan: The first step to use hot and cool water can be seen from “how to use” on step number 1. It is so clear that the answer is “Place water dispenser in the flat and secure base”.
The answer “Plug power cord to the power outlet” can be found in step number 4. Then the answer “Clean the gallon that will be put on the water dispenser” can be found in step number 2. The answer “Wait until the red colours turn into the yellow colours.” can be found in step number 5.

Question 9: If the water dispenser is unstable, we need to …. to solve the problem.
A. find the flat surface to put water dispenser
B. see that water dispenser placement is not in the flat surface
C. stop water consumption for a while
D. check the electricity connection

Petunjuk: The question is asking about the correct information about one of the problem that is “unstable water dispenser”. Find how to solve the problem.
Pembahasan: We can find the answer of the question from “Problems and How to Solve”. The problem can be found in unstable water dispenser. The word solve has the same meaning with solution. So, the solution to solve the problem is that we need to “find the flat surface to put water dispenser”.

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Question 10: “Place water dispenser in the flat and secure base, and near the power outlet”
The underlined word has similar meaning with….
A. Put
B. Take
C. Give
D. hang

Petunjuk: Find and understand the information of the word “place” on the manual. Then, find the similar meaning of the word “place”.
Pembahasan: The word place in the text means to put something in particular position or area. The word place has the same meaning with “put”.
While another answer “take”, “give”, and “hang” have different meaning with “place”.

Question 11: How is it going? Well, let’s try to practice writing procedural text through this section by choosing the appropriate answer.
Reorder the jumbled steps in copying a file from my document to a flash disc below into a good order ….
1. Click send to
2. First open my document
3. Select removable disk
4. Select the file to copy
A. 2-4-3-1
B. 2-4-1-3
C. 4-3-2-1
D. 1-2-3-4

Petunjuk: logical order
Pembahasan: To copy a file from my document, first, open my document, then select the file. The next step is clicking send to and choose removable disc. So, the answer is 2-4-3-1.

Read the recipe then answer the question 12-13!

Contoh Soal Procedure Text Pilihan Ganda dan Pembahasannya
Contoh Soal Procedure Text Pilihan Ganda dan Pembahasannya

Question 12: Rani’s mother is writing a recipe of Rani’s favorite chicken soup. Read the recipe then answer question.
The word ‘you need’ can be best replaced by ….
A. Ingredients
B. Seasonings
C. Things
D. Materials

Petunjuk: recipe
Pembahasan: The material part, in recipe, is usually known as ingredients. So, the word ‘you need’ in the text can be best replaced by ingredients.

Question 13: The word washing in the text is in inappropriate form. The correct form is ….
A. Wash
B. Has washed
C. Washed
D. Washes
Petunjuk: imperative sentence
A procedural text usually uses imperative sentences. The imperative sentence begins with the basic form of verb. So, the correct answer is wash.

contoh soal procedure text pilihan ganda dan pembahasannya
contoh soal procedure text pilihan ganda dan pembahasannya

Read the recipe then answer the question 14-15!

Question 14: …into cups, let it cool. (third step)
The italic word refers to ….
A. Pudding
B. Lumps
C. A bowl
D. Hot Water
Petunjuk: Read the complete sentence. Then, read the sentence before.
Pembahasan: ‘It’ is a pronoun. A pronoun refers to a noun mentioned before.

Question 15: What should you do before serving pudding? Before serving you should ….
A. Put the pudding inside refrigerator.
B. Pour pudding into cups.
C. Measure exactly 600cc hot water.
D. Add instant pudding powder.
Petunjuk: Read the key words: before, serve. Then, find the key words in the text and read complete sentences.
Pembahasan: We read the step before serving pudding: Fourth, put the pudding inside refrigerator. Finally, delicious pudding is ready to serve for 4 portions.


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