Contoh Soal Prohibition dan Jawabannya

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Dalam artikel kali ini PenaGuru.Com akan membagikan contoh soal prohibition dan jawabannya. Contoh soal tersebut dapat membantu Anda memahami struktur, fungsi dan unsur kebahasaan teks prohibiton atau teks larangan dalam bahasa Inggris.

Dalam soal Bahasa Inggris berikut, Anda bisa menemukan materi tentang soal prohibiton dan pembahasannya, contoh soal prohibiton pilihan ganda beserta jawabannya, contoh soal prohibition dan jawabannya, dan soal prohibition dan jawabannya.

Table of Contents

Contoh Soal Prohibiton dan Jawabannya

Contoh soal prohibition pilihan ganda telah dilengkapi dengan petunjuk pengerjaan beserta dengan pembahasan soal. Hal ini akan memudahkan bagi siapa saja yang ingin mengerjakan latihan soal tersebut.

Baiklah, langsung saja pelajari contoh soal prohibition dan jawabannya di bawah ini.

Read the following dialogue and fill in the blank for number 1-3

contoh soal prohibition dan jawabannya
contoh soal prohibition dan jawabannya

Question 1: The word that can fill the dialogue (number 1) best is…
A. Don’t be
B. Don’t
C. Please
D. No
Petunjuk: Negative sentence
Pembahasan: The answer is “Don’t be”. Dani will not tell Akhmad to be late. So, most likely he asks in a negative sentence. Since it is a negative sentence, so it is a prohibition. Instruction usually is in positive sentence.

Question 2: The word that can fill the dialogue (number 2) best is…
a. Be careful
b. Don’t careful
c. Don’t be careful
d. No careful
Petunjuk: Adjective
Pembahasan: The answer is “be careful”. Most likely Dani asks Akhmad to do something. So, he asks Akhmad to be careful since careful is a positive adjective. Besides, we should remember that since careful is an adjective, we have to put ‘be’ before.

Question 3: The word that can fill the dialogue (number 3) best is….
A. Don’t forget
B. Don’t be forget
C. Please forget
D. Be forget
Petunjuk: What we usually ask.
Pembahasan: The answer is “Don’t froget”. Most likely Dani will not ask Akhmad to forget something. So, it should be a prohibition. Other options are incorrect because they are instruction. The option “don’t be forget” is incorrect because it consists two verbs.

Question 4: Form the dialogue, we can find that Mr. Handi tells Robi…

Mr. Handi: It’s very hot here. Robi, open the window please!
Robi: O.K., Sir. I’ll do it.
Mr. Handi: Thank you.

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A. To open the window
B. Not to open the window
C. To make the room hot
D. To make the room cool
Petunjuk: To do something
Pembahasan: The answer is “to open the window”. Remember that instruction is always in form of positive sentence. In the beginning of the dialogue, Mr. Handi says that the room is hot. Then, he wants someone to help him opening the window. He wants someone to do something.

Read the following dialogue for number 5 and 6.

Mother: Andi, have you finished your homework?
Andi: No, I haven’t, Mom.
Mother: “Don’t be lazy. Do it after the dinner.
Andi: Yes, I will.

Question 5: Form the dialogue, mother prohibits Andi…
A. To be lazy
B. To be diligent
C. To do his homework
D. To have a dinner
Petunjuk: To do/not to do
Pembahasan: The answer is “to be lazy”. In the dialogue we can find “don’t be lazy”. Since it is in negative form, it should be a prohibition. What mother prohibits is “to be lazy”. The expression ‘don’t be’ doesn’t follow other options. So other options are incorrect.

Question 6: Form the dialogue, mother tells Andi…
A. To do the homework after dinner
B. To did the homework after dinner
C. To doing the homework after
D. To does the homework before dinner
Petunjuk: To infinitive
Pembahasan: The answer is “to do homework after dinner”. In the dialogue, we can find “do it after the dinner.”. Besides, we always use verb 1 after ‘to’. Other options are grammatically incorrect.

Read the following story for number 7 and 8.

contoh soal prohibition dan jawabannya
contoh soal prohibition dan jawabannya

Question 7: The sign means…
A. Do not throw the rubbish everywhere
B. Do not put the rubbish in the trash can
C. Put the rubbish everywhere
D. Do not sit on the bench

Petunjuk: Location of the sign
Pembahasan: The answer is “do not throw the rubbish everywhere”. Prohibition can be in a form of “no” + “verb-ing”. So, we can see that the sign saying “no littering” is a prohibition. From the dialogue, we also can see that Fatimah put the bottle in the trash can after she reads the sign. So, it doesn’t prohibit people to throw thrash can. The option “do not sit on the bench” is incorrect because it is not related to the sign in the trash can.

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Question 8: The sign “No littering” has the same meaning with…
A. Put the rubbish in the trash can
B. Do not put the rubbish in the trash can
C. Do not sit on the bench near the trash can
D. Sit on the bench near the trash can

Petunjuk: Change don’t into do.
Pembahasan: The answer is “Put the rubbish in the trash can”. “No littering’ is a prohibition that tells people not to throw the rubbish everywhere. It asks people not to do something. If we may change the sign into instruction, it tells people to put the rubbish in the right place. “Put the rubbish in the trash can” is the instruction form. It has the same meaning with “no littering”.

Read the following dialogue for number 9 and 10.

contoh soal prohibition dan jawabannya
contoh soal prohibition dan jawabannya

Question 9: Ali and his father are…
A. At the gas station
B. At grandmother’s house
C. At school
D. At the restaurant

Petunjuk: What dangers smoking brings.
Pembahasan: The answer is “at the gas station”. In the beginning of the conversation, Ali and his father stops to fill the gas. We usually stop at the gas station to fill the gas. Furthermore, we ususally find the “no smoking” sign at the gas station because it is dangerous to smoke there. The place in other options may be not/less dangerous for people to smoke.

Question 10: The sign “no smoking” ….
A. Prohibits people to smoke
B. Tells people to smoke
C. Doesn’t prohibit people to smoke
D. Tells people to stop
Negative sentence
Pembahasan: The answer is “prohibit people to smoke”. Remember, the word ‘no’ generally asks people not to do something. Besides, In the dialogue, Ali’s father says that the sign means do not smoke. In other words, it prohibits people to smoke.


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