Free 20 Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 7 Terbaru

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Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh… Apa kabar sobat pena, Semoga masih tetap semangat dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran daring. Menjelang penilaian tengah semester ganjil tahun pelajaran 2020-2021, kami membantu teman-teman guru yang mencari referensi dalam pembuatan soal PTS bahasa inggris kelas SMP kelas 7, 8 dan 9. Pada postingan ini, khusus untuk kelas 7 yang akan kami tampilkan. Sedangkan untuk kelas 8 dan 9 akan menyusul di postingan berikutnya.

Materi PTS kali ini mencakup materi chapter 1 yaitu : greetings, asking about and stating one’s condition, Taking Leave, thanking and apologizing dan materi chapter 2, yakni : Introducing oneself, prepositions, asking for and providing information about one’s identity and possesive adjectives.

Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Pilihan Ganda (Multiple Choice)

Choose the best answer!

1. Joni      : Good afternoon, Rendy.

Rendy   : ….. How are you?

Joni      : I’m fine. How about you?

Rendy   : I’m fine too.

a. Hello

b. I’m ok.

c. Good afternoon.

d. Good morning

2. Liren    : Hi, Delvi. How are you?

Delvi    : ….. And you?

Liren    : I’m ok.

a. Good bye

b. Yes, I am

c. very well. Thank you.

d. How do you do

3. Rhoma  : Ani, I want to sleep. …….

Ani         : Good night, Rhoma.

a. See you

b. Take care

c. Good night

d. Good afternoon

4. Edison meet his teacher in the market arround 09.00 am. What will he say to great his teacher?

Baca juga :  Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 2 SMP Kurikulum 2013

a. Good night

b. Good evening

c. Good morning

d. Good bye

5. We need a ball and net to do my hobby. So, what is my hobby?

a. badminton

b. swimming

c. volley ball

d. playing chess

6. Nadia     : May I borrow your laptop, Mus? I want to send my homework to Miss Naomi.

Mustakim  : Of course. That is on my table.

Nadia          : ……..

Mustakim  : Don’t mention it.

a. You are welcome

b. Pardon me

c. I’m sorry

d. Thank you

7. Ratri  : Hello, what is your name?

Juwita   : ….. nane is Juwita.

a. my

b. their

c. his

d. her

8. Mr. Saprianto is my friend. He works in Puskesmas Mangkutana. He gives a medicine to the patient. The patient like him. He is a ….

a. Teacher

b. Nurse

c. Police

d. pharmacist

9. Afrisal : Good evening, mom.

Mother    : Good evening, Afrisal. Why do you come late?

Afrisal     : …… My motorcycle was broke.

a. You are welcome

b. I’m sorry

c. Sure

d. Nice to see you.

10. Sandi    : Here is a shoes and T-shirt.

Hasrah : Thank you.

The dialogue above expresses ….

a. Leave taking

b. Gratitude

c. Apology

d. Regret

The following text for number 11 – 13 !

Hello, my name is Zafran. I am twelve years old. I am 1. 45 meters tall. My address is on Melati Permai Residence, Beringin Jaya East Luwu

My mother is Mrs. Muliana. I am a student of SMPn 1 Tomoni. I am in the eight year. I like reading a book and playing chess.

Baca juga :  Soal Penilaian Harian Tematik Kelas 2 Tema 5 (Pengalamanku) K13 Lengkap

My favorite food is Bakso. My favorite book is the adventure of simbad. I go to school by bicycle.

11. How tall is Zafran?

a. one hundred and fifty.

b. one hundred and forty

c. one hundred and forty five

d. one hundred and fifty five

12. What is his favorite book?

a. adventure of simbad

b. adventure of nobita

c. adventure of sinchan

d. adventure of naruto

13. What are zafran’s hobbies?

a. Playing chess

b. Reading a book

c. Swimming and playing chess

d. Playing chess and reading a book

14. There are many ….. in his house.

a. book

b. books

c. chair

d. table

15. Antika : Good luck with your AKMIL test, Hatta.

Hatta    : …….

a. I’m sorry

b. I’m okay

c. Thank you

d. See you.

Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Essay

The following picture for the question number 16 – 20 !

soal pts bahasa inggris
sumber : buku intan pariwara

16. Why does the man thank to the girl?

17. What does the man say to thank?

18. How does the girl respond to it?

19. What occasions should we thank?

20. What are the other examples of thanking and the responses?

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Semoga kumpulan soal tersebut dapat membantu teman-teman guru yang mengalami kesulitan dalam membuat soal pts bahasa inggris di masa pandemi ini.

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