10 Soal Asking and Giving Opinion Beserta Jawabannya

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Contoh soal asking and giving opinion beserta jawabannya digunakan untuk mengukur pencapaian kompetensi peserta didik setelah mempelajari materinya.

Melalui contoh soal yang kami bagikan, diharapkan peserta didik mampu berlatih secara mandiri sebelum ujian yang sesungguhnya.

Asking and Giving Opinion

Asking and giving opinion merupakan ungkapan yang digunakan untuk meminta dan memberikan pendapat atau opini mengenai suatu ide, gagasan, atau fakta.

Perhatikan contoh dialogue of expression asking and giving opinion dari PenaGuru.Com berikut ini.

soal asking and giving opinion beserta jawabannya
dialog soal asking and giving opinion

The above dialogues are the examples of expression asking and giving opinion.

Kita bisa melihat Renata asks David’s opinion by saying “What do you think of my new bag?” sedangkan David asks Renata’s opinion by saying “Do you have any idea?”

We can use the expression “What do you think of …?” to ask someone’s opinion. If you want to ask idea from your friend, you can also say “Do you have any idea?”

To give your opinion, you can say “I think..” , or “what about..?” .

Soal Asking and Giving Opinion Beserta Jawabannya

Silahkan berlatih menggunakan ungkapan asking and giving opinion melalui contoh soal asking and giving opinion pilihan ganda berikut ini.

1. Complete the following dialogue.

Ani:… of my new hair style?
Ita: I think it is beautiful.

The suitable answer to complete the above expression is ….
A. What about
B. What is
C. What do you want
D. What do you think


What is the expression for asking someone’s opinion?

The dialogue is for number 2-3

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Deny: Do you have any … (2) for our holiday, Dira?
Nadira: Mmmm. What about … (3) to Gembira Loka Zoo?
Deny: Hmmm. I think that’s a good idea
Nadira: Alright, I will tell Mom about this.

2. The suitable word to complete the above dialogue is ….
A. Idea
B. Dream
C. Wish
D. hope


The word related to ask opinion is “idea”.

3. The suitable word to complete the above dialogue is ….
A. Go
B. Went
C. Going
D. goes


All prepositions are followed by V-ing.

The dialogue is for number 4-6

soal asking and giving opinion beserta jawabannya
soal asking and giving opinion beserta jawabannya

4. Mr White asks Sandy’s opinion about….
A. When Kartini’s Day is
B. What program will be held by OSIS
C. What Kartini’s Day is
D. Where the students will celebrate Kartini’s day


Read Mr. White’s first line.

5. “..but it will be better of all grades can participate”.
The underlined word has the same meaning as….
A. Join
B. Come
C. Register
D. see


You can guess it from the whole sentence “I think it is a good idea but it will be better of all grades can participate”

6. The followings are the correct statement about the above dialogue, except ….
A. Tomorrow is Kartini’s Day.
B. The speech contest can be joint by all grades.
C. Sandy is the chairperson of OSIS
D. The theme is about nationality.

It is not stated in the dialogue.

Read the dialogue then answer the question

Angel : How was the trip, Aura?
Aura : Hmm. That was not nice trip because the bus got twice flat tire during the trip
Angel ; Oh, I am sorry to hear that.

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7. From the above dialogue we know that….
A. The trip was fun.
B. Angel followed the trip.
C. The trip was awful.
D. Aura enjoyed the trip.


Read Aura’s second line.

Arrange the dialogue

(1) Monika : Really?
(2) Angga : Yes, It is really recommended.
(3) Monika : What is your opinion about the film “Fast and Furious 7”?
(4) Monika : Wow, I think it is amazing.

8. The correct arrangement for the above dialogue is ….
A. 3-1-2-4
B. 2-3-4-1
C. 3-4-1-2
D. 1-3-2-4


Find the first expression. The following expressions are the order of the previous expression.

9. When you ask your brother about his opinion on your new jacket, you would say ….
A. What do you think of my new jacket?
B. Would you give your opinion about my new jacket?
C. Do you have any idea?
D. Do you agree?


Find the expression of asking opinion in informal form.

10. Your uncle asks your opinion about visiting Mount Bromo next month. But you think it is not a good idea because of the weather. You say ….

A. I think it is cool.
B. I personally feel that next month is not good for having vacation because of bad weather.
C. I don’t think it is a good idea, uncle.
D. I think the weather is not good.


Find the expression of giving opinion in formal form.

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