Soal Mengubah Kalimat Aktif Menjadi Pasif Bahasa Inggris

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Soal mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi pasif bahasa inggris – Halo sahabat Penaguru, kali ini mimin akan membagikan contoh soal Bahasa Inggris yang berkaitan dengan materi mengubah kalimat pasif menjadi aktif dan sebaliknya. Materi ini kita kenal dengan active voice dan passive voice dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Tentunya kalian telah sering mendengarnya kan?

Sebelum mengerjakan contoh soal mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi pasif bahasa inggris, perhatikan terlebih dahulu contoh mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi pasif dan kalimat pasif menjadi aktif berikut ini.

  • The bread was sliced by Joni. (Passive)
  • Joni sliced the bread. (Active)
  • Bambang’s space was invaded. (Passive)
  • The big bully invaded Bambang’s space. (Active)

Agar lebih jelas, silahkan perhatikan tabel berikut.

soal mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi pasif bahasa inggris
soal mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi pasif bahasa inggris | PenaGuru.Com

Jika masih mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami contoh kalimat aktif dan pasif bahasa inggris, silahkan baca materinya disini.

Soal Mengubah Kalimat Aktif Menjadi Pasif Bahasa Inggris

Silahkan pelajari 10 contoh soal mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi pasif bahasa inggris pilihan ganda berikut ini.

1. Passive sentence from “A cat ate a fish” is ….
A. A fish was eaten by a cat
B. A fish eat a cat
C. A fish eating a mouse
D. A fish is eaten by a cat
E. A fish eaten a cat
S + to be+ verb past participle (V3)
Object from the active becomes subject in passive, the verb is changed into past participle and insert linking verb be -is

2. A well-known architect is designing our new office. The passive form of the above sentence is our new office……….by a well-known architect.
A. Designs
B. Designed
C. Be Designing
D. Is Designed
E. Is being Designed
S + to be (is/are) + being+ verb past participle (V3)
A well-known architect is designing our new office. it is in the form of present continuous the object of active our new office becomes subject in passive and being is inserted before verb past participle

3. The stewardess is now serving coffee to the passengers. The passive form of the above sentence is………….
A. The passengers are serving are serving coffee now.
B. The passengers are now served coffee.
C. Coffee is now served by the passengers.
D. Coffee is now being served to the passengers.
E. Coffee is now served to the passengers.
S + to be (is/are) + being +verb past participle (V3)
Object from active becomes subject and the verb changed into past participle and insert being after linking verb

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4. They think he is wealthy. The passive form of the above sentence is….
A. He is thought a wealthy man
B. They are considered a wealthy man.
C. They are thought he is a wealthy man.
D. He is thought to be a wealthy man.
E. He is thought being a wealthy man
S + to be (is/are) + verb past participle (V3)
Object of active becomes subject of passive and the verb here is simple present tense which changed into to be and past participle

5. Everybody believed that Gods brought them happiness. We can also say: …
A. It is believed that the gods brought them happiness.
B. The gods were belived to have brought them happiness.
C. That The Gods brought them happiness were believed by everybody.
D. The Gods were belived to bring them happiness.
E. It was belived that the Gods have brought them happiness.
That + clause + tobe (is/are) +verb past participle (V3)
That is as an introductory. Object of active becomes subject of passive and the verb here is simple past tense which changed into tobe and past participle

6. Complete the dialogue below!

soal mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi pasif bahasa inggris
soal mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi pasif bahasa inggris

A. They are faxed
B. Has faxed
C. The victims fax
D. It has been faxed.
E. We fax it.
It + to be (has/have) +been+ verb past participle (V3)
It is the exact number of the crash. this sentence is in the form of present perfect

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7. You seem to waiting for something these days. That’s true I’m waiting ………. for an interview.
A. Called
B. To call
C. Be called
D. Calling
E. To be called.
S -clause+ tobe+ verb past participle (V3)
it si clearly seen in the formula of passive verb

8. I am still waiting …. for an interview.
A. To be called.
B. Be called
C. Be Calling
D. To call
E. Called
it is clearly seen in the formula of passive verb
there are two clauses which combined one in this passive which directly goes to to be and past participle

9. Bambang looks very happy today. He receives a new position in the office. Don’t you know he . . . to be the new general manager? The final decision will be tomorrow.
A. Has promoted
B. To Be Promoted
C. Has To Promoted
D. Has Been Promoted
E. Is being promoted
S + to be (is/are) + verb past participle (V3)
Don’t you know he is being promoted to be the new general manager?
The above sentence is in the form of present continuous because the process of promotion to be the new general manager is still in progress.

10. Why does the baby next-door keep crying? As usual, it ……………by the baby sister.
A. Is neglecting
B. Is neglected
C. Neglects
D. Is to be neglected
E. Is to neglected
S + to be (is/are) + verb past participle (V3)
It is simple present tense

Demikian contoh soal mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi pasif bahasa inggris pilihan ganda beserta dengan jawaban dan pembahasannya. Semoga bermanfaat dalam memahami materi passive dan active voice Bahasa Inggris.