45 Soal Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Bab 2 Kurikulum Merdeka

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Soal Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Bab 2 Kurikulum Merdeka – Anda masih kesulitan membuat soal sumatif Bahasa Inggris kurikulum merdeka? Tenang saja, dalam artikel kali ini PenaGuru.Com akan membagikan contoh soal sumatif Bahasa Inggris kelas 5 SD MI sesuai dengan buku siswa Bahasa inggris kurikulum merdeka.

Soal Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Bab 2 Kurikulum Merdeka

Pelaksanaan kurikulum merdeka yang masih baru membuat beberapa guru mengalami kesulitan dalam menyusun soal asesmen. Dimana dalam kurikulum merdeka, penilaian tengah semester telah dihilangkan sehingga dalam penilaian peserta didik kita mengenal asesmen diagnostik, asesmen formatif, dan asesmen sumatif.

Kali ini, kami akan berbagi contoh soal sumatif Bahasa Inggris kelas 5 bab 2 kurikulum merdeka yang telah disusun berdasarkan buku siswa Bahasa Inggris kelas 5 SD kurikulum merdeka: My Next Words Grade 5 – Student’s Book for Elementary School yang diterbitkan oleh Pusat Perbukuan Badan Standar, Kurikulum, dan Asesmen Pendidikan Kemendikbudristek RI.

Soal Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Bab 2 Kurikulum Merdeka

Latihan Soal Sumatif Bahasa Inggris kelas 5 bab 2 SD Kurikulum Merdeka

Unit 2: I Want an Ice Cream Cone

Tujuan Pembelajaran:

  • Peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi dan menyebutkan satuan hitung pada makanan dan minuman dengan tepat dan benar.
  • Peserta didik mampu merespon dan menulis kalimat tentang satuan hitung pada makanan dan minuman dengan tepat dan benar.

Choose the correct answer (A, B, or C) for each question.

1. If you buy a carton of milk, how is it usually measured?
A. In pounds
B. In liters
C. In pieces
D. In packets
Answer: B

2. How do you ask for a small amount of cheese at the store?
A. A bunch of cheese
B. A bowl of cheese
C. A slice of cheese
D. A carton of cheese
Answer: C

3. If you are at a cafe, how would you order water?
A. A bar of water
B. A cup of water
C. A slice of water
D. A piece of water
Answer: B

4. What is a common unit for measuring bread?
A. A loaf of bread
B. A cup of bread
C. A pound of bread
D. A bottle of bread
Answer: A

5. How do you ask for fish at the market?
A. A packet of fish
B. A carton of fish
C. A slice of fish
D. A fillet of fish
Answer: D

6. Which unit would you use for butter?
A. A stick of butter
B. A slice of butter
C. A piece of butter
D. A pinch of butter
Answer: A

7. How is soda often sold?
A. In cans
B. In bunches
C. In slices
D. In loaves
Answer: A

8. What unit is used for eggs?
A. A carton of eggs
B. A bowl of eggs
C. A slice of eggs
D. A piece of eggs
Answer: A

9. If you need a lot of rice, what unit might you use?
A. A bag of rice
B. A slice of rice
C. A pinch of rice
D. A stick of rice
Answer: A

10. How would you request a small amount of salt?
A. A cup of salt
B. A pinch of salt
C. A slice of salt
D. A loaf of salt
Answer: B

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11. Look at the image provided. What is being shown as a way to measure the fruits?

Soal Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Bab 2 Kurikulum Merdeka
A. In bunches
B. In pieces
C. In grams
D. In liters
Answer: C

12. We buy liquid items like milk and oil in:
A. Pounds
B. Liters
C. Pieces
D. Bags
Answer: B

13. Which unit is not typically used for sugar?
A. A cup of sugar
B. A spoonful of sugar
C. A pinch of sugar
D. A slice of sugar
Answer: D

14. Look at the image provided. The person is measuring the flour using what unit?

Soal Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Bab 2 Kurikulum Merdeka
A. Pounds
B. Cups
C. Pieces
D. Bags
Answer: B

15. How do you measure the amount of meat you need?
A. In sticks
B. In loaves
C. In pounds or kilograms
D. In bunches
Answer: C

16. What would you ask for if you want many grapes?
A. A bag of grapes
B. A slice of grapes
C. A loaf of grapes
D. A stick of grapes
Answer: A

17. Which unit would you use to buy milk?
A. A pound
B. A liter
C. A piece
D. A dozen
Answer: B

18. If you want to buy cheese, you ask for it by:
A. Liters
B. Kilograms
C. Cups
D. Pieces
Answer: B

19. How do you measure the amount of water needed for a recipe?
A. By the pound
B. By the liter
C. By the piece
D. By the dozen
Answer: B

20. What is the common unit for measuring flour when baking?
A. Pounds
B. Gallons
C. Cups
D. Pieces
Answer: C

21. If you are buying eggs, you count them by:
A. Gallons
B. Liters
C. Dozens
D. Pounds
Answer: C

22. A bottle of soda is usually sold in:
A. Pounds
B. Pieces
C. Cups
D. Liters
Answer: D

23. How would you ask for a small amount of meat at the store?
A. A barrel of meat
B. A dozen meats
C. A quarter pound of meat
D. A gallon of meat
Answer: C

24. If you need butter for a recipe, you would measure it in:
A. Cups
B. Pieces
C. Sticks
D. Pounds
Answer: C

25. For liquids like oil, the usual unit is:
A. Gallons
B. Dozens
C. Pounds
D. Liters
Answer: A

26. You can buy bread in:
A. Liters
B. Loaves
C. Cups
D. Pounds
Answer: B

27. Look at the image provided. Which label shows the largest quantity?

30 Soal Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Bab 2 Kurikulum Merdeka
A. “1 kg”
B. “500 g”
C. “250 g”
D. They are all the same.
Answer: A

28. If you want just one apple, you would ask for:
A. A bunch of apples
B. A pound of apples
C. An apple
D. A kilogram of apples
Answer: C

29. When buying a sandwich, you usually ask for:
A. A liter of sandwiches
B. A dozen sandwiches
C. A sandwich
D. A pound of sandwiches
Answer: C

Baca juga :  30 Soal Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Bab 6 Kurikulum Merdeka

30. Look at the image provided. How many eggs are in a dozen?

Soal Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Bab 2 Kurikulum Merdeka
A. 6
B. 12
C. 24
D. 18
Answer: B

31. To buy a small quantity of rice, you would ask for:
A. A bowl of rice
B. A piece of rice
C. A sack of rice
D. A cup of rice
Answer: D

32. What unit is commonly used for selling meat?
A. Liters
B. Dozens
C. Pounds
D. Pieces
Answer: C

33. Look at the image provided. Which bottle contains the least milk?

Soal Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Bab 2 Kurikulum Merdeka
A. “1 liter”
B. “500 ml”
C. “250 ml”
D. They contain the same amount.
Answer: C

34. If you want to buy a whole chicken, you would ask for:
A. A gallon of chicken
B. A dozen chickens
C. A pound of chicken
D. A chicken
Answer: D

35. In a recipe, sugar might be measured in:
A. Cups
B. Dozens
C. Pieces
D. Pounds
Answer: A

36. A piece of cake is referred to as:
A. A slice
B. A cup
C. A pound
D. A dozen
Answer: A

37. If you need to buy some sugar for a recipe, you would measure it in:
A. Cups
B. Bottles
C. Slices
D. Pieces
Answer: A

38. When you buy fish at the market, it is typically sold by:
A. The slice
B. The liter
C. The pound
D. The dozen
Answer: C

39. To get a small number of cookies, you would ask for:
A. A batch of cookies
B. A dozen cookies
C. A couple of cookies
D. A pound of cookies
Answer: C

40. At a coffee shop, you order coffee by the:
A. Pound
B. Cup
C. Bottle
D. Slice
Answer: B

41. When ordering a pizza, you would refer to it as:
A. A slice of pizza
B. A liter of pizza
C. A pound of pizza
D. A cup of pizza
Answer: A

42. In a recipe, the amount of milk used is usually given in:
A. Cups
B. Pieces
C. Slices
D. Pounds
Answer: A

43. You would buy soda in:
A. Dozens
B. Pounds
C. Bottles
D. Slices
Answer: C

44. If you want to buy some salad, you would ask for it by:
A. The head
B. The cup
C. The slice
D. The pound
Answer: A

45. For baking a cake, the amount of chocolate needed is often measured in:
A. Gallons
B. Bars
C. Pints
D. Dozens
Answer: B

46. When making lemonade, lemons are counted by:
A. The dozen
B. The slice
C. The cup
D. The piece
Answer: D

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English Worksheet Kelas 5 Bab 2

LKPD KELAS 5 BAB 2 by PenaGuru.Com

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