30 Soal Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka

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Soal Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka – Anda masih mengalami kesulitan dalam menyusun soal sumatif Bahasa Inggris kurikulum merdeka? Jangan khawatir, kali ini PenaGuru.Com akan berbagi referensi contoh soal asesmen sumatif akhir semester 1 Bahasa Inggris kurikulum merdeka.

Apa itu Soal Sumatif?

Dalam buku Panduan Assesmen dan Pembelajaran disebutkan bahwa Penilaian atau asesmen sumatif pada jenjang pendidikan dasar dan menengah bertujuan untuk menilai pencapaian tujuan pembelajaran dan/atau CP peserta didik sebagai dasar penentuan kenaikan kelas dan/atau kelulusan dari satuan pendidikan. Penilaian pencapaian hasil belajar peserta didik dilakukan dengan membandingkan pencapaian hasil belajar peserta didik dengan kriteria ketercapaian tujuan pembelajaran.

Fungsi Soal Asesmen Sumatif

Adapun asesmen sumatif dapat berfungsi untuk:

  • alat ukur untuk mengetahui pencapaian hasil belajar peserta didik dalam satu atau lebih tujuan pembelajaran di periode tertentu;
  • mendapatkan nilai capaian hasil belajar untuk dibandingkan dengan kriteria capaian yang telah ditetapkan; dan
  • menentukan kelanjutan proses belajar siswa di kelas atau jenjang berikutnya.

Asesmen sumatif dapat dilakukan setelah pembelajaran berakhir, misalnya pada akhir satu lingkup materi (dapat terdiri atas satu atau lebih tujuan pembelajaran), pada akhir semester dan pada akhir fase; khusus asesmen pada akhir semester, asesmen ini bersifat pilihan.

Contoh Soal Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka

soal sumatif Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 1 kurikulum merdeka

Soal bahasa inggris kelas 7 semester 1 kurikulum merdeka pdf, soal uts bahasa inggris kelas 7 semester 1 kurikulum merdeka, dan soal pts bahasa inggris kelas 7 semester 1 disusun berdasarkan materi bahasa inggris kelas 7 kurikulum merdeka berdasarkan buku Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 kurikulum merdeka: English For Nusantara yang diterbitkan oleh Kemendikbudristek RI.

Materi semester 1 terdiri atas 3-chapter yakni:

  • Chapter 1 About Me
  • Chapter 2 Culinary and Me
  • Chapter 3 Home Sweet Home

Baik Langsung saja, inilah Contoh Soal Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka

Quiz: Chapter 1 About Me (Grade 7 English)

Choose the correct answer (A, B, C, or D) for each question.

1. When introducing yourself, it is important to include:

A) Your favorite color.
B) Your birth date.
C) Your name.
D) Your favorite food.

2. Which of the following questions is appropriate to ask when getting to know someone’s hobbies?

A) “How old are you?”
B) “What do you like to do in your free time?”
C) “Where do you live?”
D) “What is your favorite subject?”

3. How would you describe someone who is funny and makes people laugh a lot?

A) Shy.
B) Outgoing.
C) Serious.
D) Creative.

4. What is the correct way to ask about someone’s daily activities?

A) “What’s your favorite movie?”
B) “How are you feeling today?”
C) “What do you usually do after school?”
D) “Do you have any pets?”

5. Which of the following phrases describes a person who is tall and thin?

A) Plump.
B) Short.
C) Slim.
D) Muscular.

6. How would you politely ask someone’s age?

A) “How tall are you?”
B) “What is your job?”
C) “How old are you?”
D) “Excuse me, may I ask how old you are?”

7. Which of the following questions is appropriate to ask when describing someone’s personality?

A) “What color are their eyes?”
B) “Are they a good singer?”
C) “Are they from the same city as you?”
D) “Are they kind and generous?”

Baca juga :  Kisi Kisi dan Soal UTS PAI Kelas 4 Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban

8. When describing someone’s physical appearance, which of the following would be an appropriate question?

A) “What is their favorite food?”
B) “Do they have any pets?”
C) “What color is their hair?”
D) “What is their favorite hobby?”

9. How would you ask someone about their favorite hobby?

A) “What do you like to do in your free time?”
B) “How old are you?”
C) “Where are you from?”
D) “What is your favorite subject?”

10. What is an appropriate way to end a conversation?

A) “Hello!”
B) “Goodbye!”
C) “Nice to meet you!”
D) “How old are you?”

Answer Key:

1. C) Your name.
2. B) “What do you like to do in your free time?”
3. B) Outgoing.
4. C) “What do you usually do after school?”
5. C) Slim.
6. D) “Excuse me, may I ask how old you are?”
7. D) “Are they kind and generous?”
8. C) “What color is their hair?”
9. A) “What do you like to do in your free time?”
10. B) “Goodbye!”

Quiz: Culinary and Me (Grade 7 English)

Choose the correct answer (A, B, C, or D) for each question.

1. How would you ask someone about their favorite meal?

A) “What’s your favorite color?”
B) “How old are you?”
C) “What’s your favorite food?”
D) “Where are you from?”

2. Which of the following questions is appropriate to ask when discussing food?

A) “What is your favorite subject?”
B) “Where do you live?”
C) “What do you like to eat for breakfast?”
D) “How tall are you?”

3. When cooking, which tool would you use to mix ingredients together?

A) Knife.
B) Oven.
C) Spoon.
D) Cutting board.

4. What is the correct way to ask for information about a specific recipe?

A) “Do you have any pets?”
B) “What is your favorite hobby?”
C) “Can you tell me the ingredients and steps for making lasagna?”
D) “How many siblings do you have?”

5. Which of the following ingredients is commonly used in a salad?

A) Flour.
B) Sugar.
C) Lettuce.
D) Cheese.

6. How would you ask someone about their cooking process?

A) “What do you do on weekends?”
B) “Where do you like to go on vacation?”
C) “What is your favorite TV show?”
D) “Can you explain the steps to make your favorite dish?”

7. When identifying tools in a recipe, which one is commonly used for cutting vegetables?

A) Blender.
B) Pot.
C) Cutting board.
D) Bowl.

8. How would you ask someone about their favorite dessert?

A) “What do you like to eat for lunch?”
B) “Do you play any sports?”
C) “What is your favorite dessert?”
D) “How many hours do you sleep at night?”

9. What is the correct way to ask about the cooking time of a dish?

A) “Where do you live?”
B) “What is your favorite color?”
C) “How long does it take to cook this dish?”
D) “What’s your favorite subject?”

10. Which of the following steps would typically come first in a recipe?

A) Putting the dish in the oven.
B) Serving the dish on a plate.
C) Chopping the vegetables.
D) Adding the final seasoning.

Baca juga :  45 Soal Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 Bab 2 Kurikulum Merdeka

Answer Key:

1. C) “What’s your favorite food?”
2. C) “What do you like to eat for breakfast?”
3. C) Spoon.
4. C) “Can you tell me the ingredients and steps for making lasagna?”
5. C) Lettuce.
6. D) “Can you explain the steps to make your favorite dish?”
7. C) Cutting board.
8. C) “What is your favorite dessert?”
9. C) “How long does it take to cook this dish?”
10. C) Chopping the vegetables.

Quiz: Home Sweet Home (Grade 7 English)

Choose the correct answer (A, B, C, or D) for each question.

1. How would you ask someone about the different rooms in their house?

A) “What’s your favorite color?”
B) “How old are you?”
C) “Can you describe the rooms in your house?”
D) “Where are you from?”

2. Which of the following questions is appropriate to ask when discussing household chores?

A) “What is your favorite subject?”
B) “Where do you live?”
C) “What do you do to clean up your house?”
D) “How tall are you?”

3. What is the correct term for a person who cleans and takes care of a house?

A) Chef.
B) Maid.
C) Scientist.
D) Gardener.

4. How would you ask someone about the purpose of a particular household item?

A) “Do you have any pets?”
B) “What is your favorite hobby?”
C) “Can you explain what this item is used for?”
D) “How many siblings do you have?”

5. Which of the following items is commonly found in a living room?

A) Stove.
B) Bed.
C) Couch.
D) Shower.

6. How would you ask someone about their cleaning routine?

A) “What do you do on weekends?”
B) “Where do you like to go on vacation?”
C) “What is your favorite TV show?”
D) “Can you explain your cleaning process?”

7. When describing a bathroom, which item is commonly used for personal hygiene?

A) Television.
B) Sink.
C) Bookshelf.
D) Oven.

8. How would you ask someone about their favorite cleaning tool?

A) “What do you like to eat for lunch?”
B) “Do you play any sports?”
C) “What is your favorite cleaning tool?”
D) “How many hours do you sleep at night?”

9. What is the correct way to ask about the best method for cleaning a specific surface?

A) “Where do you live?”
B) “What is your favorite color?”
C) “How do you clean this surface effectively?”
D) “What’s your favorite subject?”

10. Which of the following steps would typically come first in a cleaning process?

A) Vacuuming the floor.
B) Organizing items in the room.
C) Mopping the floor.
D) Dusting the furniture.

Answer Key:

  1. C) “Can you describe the rooms in your house?”
  2. C) “What do you do to clean up your house?”
  3. B) Maid.
  4. C) “Can you explain what this item is used for?”
  5. C) Couch.
  6. D) “Can you explain your cleaning process?”
  7. B) Sink.
  8. C) “What is your favorite cleaning tool?”
  9. C) “How do you clean this surface effectively?”
  10. B) Organizing items in the room.

Itulah 30 contoh soal sumatif Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 1 kurikulum merdeka yang telah dirancang sesuai dengan materi dan tujuan pembelajaran Bahasa inggris kelas 7 SMP/MTs.

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