Asking and Responding Personal Information merupakan salah satu jenis expression yang digunakan dalam Bahasa inggris. Ungkapan ini digunakan ketika Anda bertemu dengan teman baru atau pindah ke tempat baru. Anda perlu memperkenalkan diri dengan memberikan personal information kepada kenalan baru di lingkungan yang baru.
Namun bagaimana jika yang terjadi adalah sebaliknya? Yaitu jika ada teman baru yang memperkenalkan dirinya kepada Anda, bagaimana cara Anda meresponnya? Nah, dalam artikel ini sobat Penaguru akan membahas mengenai bagaimana cara expressing personal information dan asking and responding personal information.
Beberapa hal penting yang harus Anda kuasai ketika ingin mengungkapkan personal information yaitu nama, umur, asal, alamat, pekerjaan, hobi, warna kesukaan, serta makanan dan minuman favorit. Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh kalimat expressing personal information yang sering digunakan.
1. Names.
Anda bisa menyebutkan nama lengkap, nama depan, nama belakang dan atau nama keluarga. Kebanyakan orang biasanya menggunakan nama panggilan mereka, contoh:
My name is Eduard Delano Rusung
My full name is Eduard Delano Rusung.
My middle name is Delano.
My last name is Rusung.
My family name (It is usually father’s name) is Rusung.
My nickname is Edu.
asking and responding personal information
2. How old we are (ages).
Anda dapat memberitahukan berapa usia Anda, contoh:
I am thirteen years old.
I am twenty years old
3. What we do (occupation).
Ketika ingin menyebutkan tentang pekerjaan, Anda bisa menyatakan:
I am a student of SMPN 234 Jakarta
I am a teacher
I am a pilot
4. Where we are from (origin) and where we live.
Sebutkan daerah asal dan alamat Anda. Misalnya: I am from Papua. Now, I live in Makassar.
5. Hobby.
asking and responding personal information
Beberapa kegiatan dalam Bahasa Inggris yang sering dijadikan hobi seperti swimming, windsurfing, skating, fishing, hiking, playing cards, baking cookies, jogging, gardening, singing, dancing, collecting stamps, reading books, listening to music, cooking, painting, playing badminton, and others.
Ketika menyatakan hobi, Anda dapat berkata: I like swimming and gardening.
6. Our favourite colours, food and drink.
Ada banyak jenis warna, makanan, dan minuman yang dapat Anda sebutkan.
Food: fried rice, noodles, vegetable salad, fruit salad, burger, hot dog, omelet, sunny-side-up egg, pizza, spaghetti, sandwich, french-fries, chips, etc.
Drink: iced-tea, hot tea, milk, coffee, hot chocolate, hot ginger, green tea, juice, soft drink, coke, etc.
My favourite colour is black.
My favourite food is martabak.
My favourite drink is Boba.
Asking and Responding Personal Information
Sekolah baru dan kelas baru berarti teman baru. Sangat bagus untuk berteman. Untuk berteman, kita harus mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan tentang informasi pribadi dan menjawab pertanyaan tentang informasi pribadi. Berikut adalah beberapa poin yang penting untuk ditanyakan dan bagaimana menjawabnya.
Question: What is your name?
Answer: My name is Angga Dwi Sasono. You can call me Angga.
How old we are (ages).
Question: How old are you?
Answer: I am thirteen years old.
What we do (occupation).
Question: What do you do?
Answer: I am a student (of SMPN 4 Makassar)
Where we are from (origin) and where we live.
Question: Where are you from?
Answer: I am from Toraja.
Question: Where do you live?
Answer: I live in Madura.
What we like doing (hobbies).
Question: What are your hobbies?
Answer: My hobbies are hiking and fishing.
Question: What do you like doing?
Answer: I like camping and fishing.
Our favourite colours, food and drink.
Question: What is your favourite colour:
Answer: My favourite colour is pink.
my favourite colours are blue and orange.
Question: What is your favourite food?
Answer: My favourite food is crab soup.
Question: What is your favourite drink?
Answer: My favourite drink is guava juice.
Sekarang, Mari kita perhatikan percakapan di bawah ini dan pelajari bagaimana menggunakan beberapa pertanyaan dan bagaimana menanggapi pertanyaan tersebut.
Contoh dialog asking and responding personal information.
Terjadi percakapan antara seorang reporter sekolah, Raisa, dan seorang siswa berprestasi, Paulo yang meraih juara pertama dalam Lomba Matematika. Raisa ingin mewawancarai Paulo dan menulis profil Paulo untuk publikasi majalah sekolah bulan depan.
Raisa: Good evening, Paulo. It is great to have you here.
Paulo: Good evening.
Raisa: This evening, I would like to ask you some questions to be published in our school magazine.
Paulo: Sure!
Raisa: First, what is your full name?
Paulo: My full name is Paulo Sitompul. You can call me Paulo.
Raisa: How old are you now?
Paulo: I am thirteen years old.
Raisa: What do you do?
Paulo: I am a student of SMP 5 Bantul, Yogyakarta.asking and responding personal information
Raisa: Where are you from?
Paulo: I am from Bekasi. Now, I live in Bantul.
Raisa: What do you like doing in your free time?
Paulo: I like playing football. I play football three times a week at school. I want to be a professional footballer. I like eating too.
Raisa: What is your favourite food?
Paulo: My favourite food is cheese burgers. I eat cheese burgers almost every day.
Raisa: What about drink? What is your favourite drink?
Paulo: My favourite drink is lemon squash. It’s so fresh.
Raisa: I like it too. You are now wearing a red T-shirt. Is it your favourite colour?
Paulo: No, it isn’t.
Raisa: What is your favourite colour?
Paulo: My favourite colour is blue. I have a blue bag, a blue pencil case and a blue ball. The colour of the wall in my bedroom and the bed sheet is blue.
Raisa: Wonderful! Thank you very much for the interview, Paulo. We will send you a copy of our school magazine next month. It’s nice to see you.
Paulo: You’re welcome. It’s nice to see you too. Bye.
Writing personal information
Dari penjelasan di atas, kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa beberapa poin penting dalam asking and responding personal information adalah sebagai berikut.
First thing you may write to share your personal information is your name. You can use the phrases, such as: My name is … or I am …
After name, you can write information about your age. You can use the phrase: I am … years old.
To share your place of birth, you can use the phrase: I was born in …
To share information about your birthday, you can say: My birthday is on 5th June.
After telling your birthday, you can write your address. To tell people where you live, you can use the phrase, such as: I live in …, I live on …, I live at …, or My address is
To tell people your phone number, you can use the phrase: My phone number is …
Sometimes, you may also write a little about your family. You can use the phrase such as: I have … brothers and … sisters.
To write your hobbies, you can use the phrases, such as: My hobby is …, my hobbies are, I like …, and I love…
Poin penting yang patut menjadi catatan dalam asking and responding personal information yaitu:
to write your personal information, you can share about your name, age, place of birth, birthday, address, phone number, and hobby.
to write your address, you should use the correct preposition (in, on, or at).