Contoh Soal Narrative Text Pilihan Ganda dan Pembahasannya

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Contoh soal narrative text pilihan ganda dan pembahasannya merupakan salah satu instrument yang dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pencapaian kompetensi peserta didik tentang narrative text. Soal Bahasa Inggris narrative text tersebut dapat dikerjakan secara mandiri oleh mereka.

Soal soal narrative text ini juga dapat digunakan sebagai referensi dalam penyusunan soal penilaian harian Bahasa inggris kompetensi dasar tentang narrative text. Khususnya mengenai narrative text tentang dongeng dan legenda. Guru tinggal menyesuaikan dengan silabus dan indicator pembelajaran yang telah diberikan.

Contoh Soal Narrative Text Pilihan Ganda dan Pembahasannya

Materi yang terdapat dalam contoh soal narrative text pilihan ganda berikut ini terdiri dari legenda dan cerita rakyat atau fabel. Semuanya telah kami lengkapi dengan petunjuk pengerjaan sekaligus dengan pembahasan terhadap soal yang membutuhkan penjelasan lebih lanjut.

Jumlah soal yang terdapat dalam contoh soal narrative text ini sebanyak 10 nomor soal. Semoga jumlah ini cukup untuk membantu menguasai materi tersebut.

Baiklah, langsung saja simak dan kerjakan contoh soal narrative text pilihan ganda dan pembahasannya di bawah ini.

The following text is for question 1 to 5!

contoh soal narrative text pilihan ganda dan pembahasannya
contoh soal narrative text pilihan ganda dan pembahasannya

Question 1: The story took place in ….
A. Italian countryside
B. American countryside
C. Indian countryside
D. Italian field
Petunjuk: Where did the farmer live?
Pembahasan: The story took place deep in the heart of the beautiful Italian countryside.

Question 2: The first problem came when the farmer saw ….
A. the children eating the farmers’ fruits.
B. the thieves eating the farmers’ fruits.
C. the birds eating the farmers’ fruits.
D. the foxes eating the farmers’ fruits.
Petunjuk: Why did the farmer build fences around his farm?
Pembahasan: The first problem came when the farmer got angry because the children ate few of his fruits.

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Question 3: From the text we know that ….
A. The fruits had gone through the hole of the farmer’s cart.
B. The farmers intentionally gave his fruits to the neighbors.
C. The fruits were fed to the animals around the field.
D. The neighbors stole the farmers’ fruits.
E. The fruits were stolen by the thieves.
Petunjuk: What is true based on the text?
Pembahasan: What happened in the story is that the fruits had gone through the hole of the farmer’s cart.

Question 4: In the end of the story, the farmer was happy because ….
A. His fruits brought happiness for the others.
B. Her neighbors bought the fruits which fell from his cart.
C. He sold all the fruits on the market.
D. The farmer got his fruits back.
Petunjuk: The farmer realized that he had been so selfish.
Pembahasan: He gradually became happy for the loss of his fruits because it gave happiness for the others.

Question 5: The moral value of the story is ….
A. Happiness is real when it is shared.
B. People change when they experience something bad.
C. Do not take everything for granted.
D. Be careful of what you wish for.
Petunjuk: What can you learn from the story?
Pembahasan: The story teaches us to share what we have with the others. The farmers felt happy because his neighborhoods were happy too.

The following text is for question 6 to 10!

contoh soal narrative text pilihan ganda dan pembahasannya
contoh soal narrative text pilihan ganda dan pembahasannya

Question 6: In the beginning of the story, the tailor bought ….
A. a jar of strawberry jam
B. a packet of strawberry jam
C. a bar of strawberry jam
D. a bottle of strawberry jam
Petunjuk: Where do you usually put jam?
Pembahasan: The little tailor bought a jar of strawberry jam with a little amount of money.

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Question 7: The little tailor was a … person.
A. Tricky
B. Humorous
C. Humble
D. depressed
Petunjuk: He tricked the giants.
Pembahasan: The tailor had so many tricks to fool the giants. He was a tricky person.

Question 8: “It flew away and did not come back. “(Paragraph 2). The word it refers to ….
A. the bird
B. the tree
C. the rock
D. the cheese
Petunjuk: The tailor pretended it was a rock.
Pembahasan: Then the tailor pulled the bird out of his pocket. It flew away and did not come back.

Question 9: The following statements are true based on the text except ….
A. the giants’ foot was caught in the trunk.
B. the tailor climbed up a cherry tree.
C. the tailor won every challenge.
D. the tailor killed seven flies.
Petunjuk: Why did the giant fell?
Pembahasan: The giants’ foot was caught in the branches not the trunk.

Question 10: “the giant had been a great nuisance in the neighborhood”
The ITALIC word is closest in meaning with ….
A. disturbance
B. entertainment
C. helper
D. bore
Petunjuk: The giant liked to annoy people.
Pembahasan: A nuisance means something or someone that annoys you or causes trouble for you that is similar with disturbance.


Demikian informasi mengenai contoh soal narrative text pilihan ganda dan pembahasannya yang dapat kami berikan. Semoga bermanfaat buat seluruh sobat PenaGuru.Com. Apabila masih mengalami kesulitan mengenai teks naratif dalam Bahasa Inggris, silahkan simak pembahasannya disini!

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