Contoh Soal Passive Voice Pilihan Ganda Beserta Jawaban

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Contoh Soal Passive Voice Pilihan Ganda Beserta Jawaban – Kali ini sobat PenaGuru akan membagikan contoh soal passive voice pilihan ganda yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk menguji pemahaman tentang apa itu passive voice dalam Bahasa Inggris. Sebagaimana telah kita bahas sebelumnya bahwa passive voice merupakan ungkapan yang digunakan ketika kita ingin fokus pada aksi. Pelaku atau subject (orang yang melakukan tindakan) terkadang tidak disebutkan.

Nah untuk mengetahui sejauh mana penguasaan materi tentang passive voice, silahkan pelajari contoh soal passive voice pilihan ganda beserta jawaban yang kami berikan di bawah ini. Latihan soal passive voice tersebut telah kami lengkapi dengan petunjuk atau clue sehingga akan memudahkan Anda dalam menyelesaikannya. Untuk soal yang memerlukan pembahasan lebih lanjut telah kami sertakan penjelasan secara terperinci.

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Contoh Soal Passive Voice Pilihan Ganda Beserta Jawaban

Okey tanpa perlu panjang lebar lagi, silahkan simak latihan soal passive voice pilihan ganda berikut ini.

Question 1: This school …in 1976.
The correct word to complete the above sentence is ….
A. was built
B. will built
C. built
D. build
Petunjuk: It happened in the past (1976).
Pembahasan: There is no object in the sentence. Thus, it considers as passive voice in the form of past tense passive voice.

Question 2: The students ….to submit the assignments today.
The correct word to complete the above sentence is …
A. are asked
B. ask
C. will ask
D. asked
Petunjuk: Identify the omitted object in the sentence.
Pembahasan: There is someone asking the students to submit the assignments but it is not mentioned. Thus, it is passive voice.

Question 3: Read the following dialogue!
Dina: what about the tickets, Lina? Have you called the committees?
Lina: Yes. They said that the ticket will be sold by … before the concert
The correct word to complete the above dialogue is ….
A. them
B. him
C. us
D. they
Petunjuk: Identify the change of pronoun subject.
Pembahasan: If the subject “they”, the object in passive voice is changed into “them”.

Question 4: Read the following dialogue!
Anita: Wow. Unbelievable! Do you make the cake by yourself?
Nadifa: Yes. It is made by ….
The correct word to complete the above dialogue is ….
A. Me
B. You
C. Anita
D. her
Petunjuk: Yes. It is made by ….
Pembahasan: The cake was made by Nadifa. She should say “it is made by me”.

Question 5: Re-arrange the jumbled sentence!
brother – yesterday – solved – The problem – your – by – was
The correct arrangement is ….
A. The problem was solved by your brother yesterday.
B. The problem was your brother solved by yesterday.
C. Your brother solved the problem was by yesterday.
D. Your brother was solved by the the problem yesterday.
Petunjuk: Identify the pattern of passive voice.
Pembahasan: Find the subject of the sentence first. Then, put the verb after the subject. Finally, put the object and adverb after the verb.

Baca juga :  Soal Passive Voice Untuk SMA Kelas XI dan Pembahasannya

Question 6: Read the following dialogue!
Deni: Oh my God. What’s wrong with this?!
Ari: What’s the matter?
Deni: My computer was suddenly off. I don’t know how to fix it. Can you?
Ari: Let me check it out first
From the above dialogue, we know that….
A. The computer was fixed by Ari.
B. Deni fixed the computer.
C. The computer worked well.
D. Deni asks question to Ari.
Petunjuk: The last sentence of the dialogue.
Pembahasan: Based on the dialogue Ari fixed the computer.

Question 7: Read the following dialogue!
Agnes: How was the meeting?
Andy: Hmmm, not so good. Our director rejected the report. He assumed that there is a problem with the report.
Agnes: Oh my God. Did he say more about that?
Andy: No, he only said that ….
The appropriate sentence to complete the above dialogue is….
A. Mistakes were made.
B. The meeting was held.
C. The report was made.
D. The director rejected the report.
Petunjuk: Passive voice focuses on the action, not the doer.
Pembahasan: The doer causing the problem is not mentioned but there is someone made mistakes.

Question 8: Read carefully to the following sentence!

contoh soal passive voice pilihan ganda beserta jawaban
contoh soal passive voice pilihan ganda beserta jawaban

The incorrect structure is shown by number ….
A. 2
B. 1
C. 3
D. 4
Petunjuk: The words “by Tina” is shown that it is passive voice. Identify the pattern of passive voice.
Pembahasan: It is a passive sentence. Thus, it should be revised by “Had been achieved”.

Question 9: The government had spent million dollars to overcome smoke in Sumatera and Kalimantan.
The correct passive voice for the above sentence is ….

A. To overcome smoke in Sumatera and Kalimantan, the government had spent million dollars.
B. Million dollars had been spent by the government to overcome smoke in Sumatera and Kalimantan.
C. Smoke in Sumatera and Kalimantan had spent million dollars.
D. Million dollars to overcome the smoke in Sumatera and Kalimantan had spent.
Petunjuk: Identify the subject of the sentence.
Pembahasan: To make passive sentence, switch the subject to object. Then, if it is past perfect tense, you should put “been” after “had”. So, “had been spent by…”

Question 10: There were 10 people injured in the accident on last Friday, October 16, 2015 in Jagorawi Road. All the victims … to the nearby hospital.
The correct words to complete the above news is ….
A. were carried
B. will carry
C. was carrying
D. has carried
Petunjuk: Identify the passive voice pattern.
Pembahasan: The object carrying the victims is not mentioned. So, you should make passive voice.

Baca juga :  Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 2 Beserta Jawabannya

Question 11: The correct word to complete the below sentence is ….
Andri: What happened with your brother?
Deni: Hmmm, while playing with his friends, he …
A. was kicked
B. kicks
C. kicked
D. will kick
Petunjuk: Identify the tenses in the first sentence.
Pembahasan: The context of the above dialogue is in past event.

Question 12: Read the following text!
Due to bad weather, the flight number AG 701 destination to Jakarta from Makasar was delayed. We do apologize for this inconvenient. Thank you.
We can say that the flight….
A. was postponed
B. postponed
C. will postpone
D. had postpone
Petunjuk: Identify the synonym and passive voice form.
Pembahasan: The word “delay” is as the same as “postpone”. Find the passive voice form.

Question 13: The passive voice in the above invitation is shown by number …..contoh soal passive voice pilihan ganda beserta jawaban
A. 2
B. 1
C. 3
D. 4
Petunjuk: Identify the pattern of passive voice.
Pembahasan: Passive voice pattern is Subject + to be + Verb 3.

Question 14: Read the following text!
This morning, I saw Tommy came late. He came to school at 7.30 am. He often comes late. When he opened the school gate, Mr. Andy, The Principal, was ready to welcome him. Mr. Andy punished him. He ran over the yard 5 times.
As Tommy came late, he ….
A. was punished
B. had punished
C. is punished
D. punished
Petunjuk: Identify the tenses of the sentence.
Pembahasan: The context of the text is in the past form. Find the passive past form.

Question 15: Read the following text!

contoh soal passive voice pilihan ganda beserta jawaban
contoh soal passive voice pilihan ganda beserta jawaban

As her skin is white and fair, so she ….
A. was called Snow White
B. was happy
C. has many fans
D. is beautiful
Petunjuk: The third sentence.
Pembahasan: Read the third sentence.


Untuk menguasai materi tentang passive voice memang tidak cukup hanya dengan mengerjakan contoh soal passive voice pilihan ganda beserta jawaban saja. Melainkan Anda harus memahami tentang rumus passive voice dan contoh passive voice yang sering digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari.

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