50 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban

Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban yang akan kami bagikan berisikan materi tentang Kinds of Expression, Narrative Text dan Grammar Focus. Soal dan jawaban bahasa inggris kelas 12 ini dilengkapi dengan pembahasan di beberapa pertanyaan/soal yang memerlukan penjelasan lebih lanjut. Sehingga Anda tidak akan mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami keinginan dan cara penyelesaian soal bahasa inggris tersebut.

Soal Bahasa Inggris kelas XII ini dapat dipakai dalam kegiatan UAS/PAS, UTS/PTS, PAS/PAT dan penilaian harian lainnya. Hal ini karena soal-soal berikut kami rangkum dari berbagai soal uas bahasa inggris, soal us bahasa inggris, soal pat bahasa inggris hingga berasal dari soal tryout bahasa inggris kelas 12 dan kunci jawaban.

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban

Oke Langsung saja, Berikut ini kami bagikan soal dan kunci jawaban bahasa Inggris kelas 12 semester genap untuk peserta didik jenjang SMA/MA/SMK/MAK/Sederajat.

The following dialog is for the question number 1 and 2

Manager: “Can you say your name again?”
Agnes: “Agnes Monika.”
Manager: “Address?”
Agnes: “Jalan Durian twenty, Makassar.”
Manager: “Latest education?”
Tina: “Law. I graduated from the Faculty of Education.”

1. What is Agnes Monika’s latest education?
a. Law’s institution
b. Faculty of Education
c. law institution
d. professional lawyer
e. Faculty of Humanity
Jawaban: B
Pembahasan: Pendidikan terakhir Agnes Monika adalah ilmu Pendidikan.

2. Where does the applicant live?
a. Jalan Durian thirteen, Makassar
b. Jalan Durian twenty, Makassar
c. Jalan Seno thirteen, Makassar
d. Jalan Jambu thirteen, Makassar
e. Jalan Sawo thirty, Makassar
Jawaban: B
Pembahasan: Agnes Monika tinggal di Jalan Durian 20, Makassar.

The following dialog is for the question number 3 and 4

Rini: “There is a vacancy in today’s daily.”
Anti: “What job is offered?”
Rini: “A part time chef in an Italian restaurant in Clarion Hotel.”
Anti: “I would apply for the job.”
Rini: “There is another vacancy: a waitress in a Thailand restaurant.”
Anti: “I see. Thank you for the information.”

3. What job would Anti Apply for?
a. a teacher
b. a chef
c. a restaurant manager
d. a waiter
e. a hotel manager
Jawaban: B

Baca juga :  30 Soal Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Bab 1 Kelas 1 Kurikulum Merdeka

4. What is the name of a hotel mentioned by Anita?
a. Chinese Hotel
b. Italian Hotel
c. Clarion Hotel
d. International Hotel
e. National Hotel
Jawaban: C
Pembahasan: Nama hotel yang disebutkan Rini adalah Jakarta Hotel.

The following text is for the question number 5 and 6

Marini Soemarno says that she has downright satisfaction from her position in the company. But what about some other things in life. There are still important for many women to have things like marriage and children. Does Marini regret for not having time for these things?

5. What is the text about?
a. Unmarried women
b. Career women
c. Married women
d. Women’s position in a company
e. Women’s lives
Jawaban: B
Pembahasan: Teks tersebut tentang wanita-wanita karir.

6. What things are still important to many women?
a. Position in the company
b. Satisfaction in career
c. Having time for children
d. Career in the company
e. Marriage and children
Jawaban: E

The following text is for the question number 7 and 8

Farmer in South Sulawesi and Lampung are likely to face difficulties with rice harvest in the next two months because hundreds of thousands of hectare rice field have been under threat from a long drought. Therefore, the government has started worrying the two provinces.

7. What is the text about?
a. the next rice harvest
b. farmers in Lampung
c. rice fields
d. possible failure in the next harvest
e. farmers in South sulawesi
Jawaban: D
Pembahasan: Teks tersebut tentang kemungkinan gagal panen yang akan dihadapi oleh petani di Sulawesi Selatan dan Lampung.

Baca juga :  Soal PAT kelas 4 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013 Lengkap

8. What threatened the rice fields?
a. a long drought
b. the rainy season
c. wet fields
d. next harvest
e. difficult farmers
Jawaban: A
Pembahasan: Kekeringan yang panjang mengancam tanaman padi.

The following text is for the question number 9 and 10

A supporter of the national education bill displays a sign reading “Endorse the national education bill right now” to every motorist passing the back gate of the House of Representatives compound in Senayan, Central Jakarta. Thousands of members from Islamic groups gathered outside the compound on Thuesday demanding that the bill be endorsed.

9. The topic of the passage is about….
a. national education
b. education bill
c. supporter of the bill
d. a supporter’s idea
e. a public demand
Jawaban: C

10. “…. That the bill be endorsed”
The word endorsed can be replaced with….
a. talked
b. discussed
c. approved
d. decided
e. resumed
Jawaban: C

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