Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban

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Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban merupakan kumpulan soal Bahasa Inggris yang disusun berdasarkan materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 semester genap mulai dari KD 3.5 hingga KD 3.8. Kumpulan soal ini dapat digunakan sebagai referensi dalam penyusunan soal UAS atau PAT bahasa inggris Kelas 7 semester 2 kurikulum 2013.

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Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban

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Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 2 Asking and responding things, Animal and Buildings

1. Here are some animals we usually keep as a pet, except:
A. A dog
B. A crocodile
C. A cat
D. A hamster
Look at the question. It is about a pet.
Look at the options. We can keep a dog, a cat, a hamster, and a turtle as our pet. But, a crocodile usually lives in a river or in a zoo.

2. Here is a small animal that we usually see in the backyard:
A. A cow
B. A sheep
C. A ladybug
D. A goat
The question is about a small animal.
A cow, a sheep, an elephant and a goat are not small. The small animal that we usually see in the backyard is a ladybug.

3. Which one is a domesticated animal that can lay eggs?
A. A duck
B. A cow
C. A goat
D. A buffalo
It is about an animal that can lay eggs.
All the animals in the options are domesticated animals. But, the only animal that can lay eggs is a duck. A cow, a goat, a buffalo, and a sheep do not lay eggs.

4. Lina wants to buy an English textbook. When does Lina go?
A. A library
B. A book shop
C. A bank
D. A police station
Look at the activity that Lina wants to do.
Lina wants to buy an English textbook. She should go to the book shop. In a library, she cannot buy a book, but borrow a book.

5. Rendra has a headache. He wants to see a doctor. Where should Rendra go?
A. A police station
B. A town library
C. A hospital
D. A cinema
Look at the activity Rendra wants to do.
Rendra wants to see the doctor because he has a headache. The place to see doctors is a hospital.

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 2 Writing Label

Read the conversation below to answer questions number 6 – 10.

soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban
soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban | PenaGuru.Com

6. Who is going to study Math that day?
A. Dion
B. Laura
C. Anna
D. Dion and Laura
Find the word Math or Mathematics then understand the sentence.
In the dialogue Laura says, “Well, today I have Mathematics lesson.” This means that Laura is going to study Math that day.

7. How many pens does Laura have?
A. one pen
B. two pens
C. three pens
D. four pens
Find the word pen in Laura’s part.
In the dialogue, Laura says, “I bring two pencils, a pen, a ruler, an eraser, and a Mathematics textbook in it.” This means that Laura brings only one pen.

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8. Who has sports today?
A. Dion
B. Laura
C. Dion and Laura
D. Dion and Anna
Find the word Sports in the dialogue.
In the dialogue, Laura says, “Look! That’s your classmate, Anna.” to Dion. This means that Dion and Anna are classmates and have the same subjects (Sports and Arts).

9. What is Anna holding?
A. two pencils
B. an erasers
C. three pencils
D. a racket
Find what the speakers are talking about Anna.
Anna is holding a racket. This can be seen in Laura’s part, “She also holds a racket.”

10. Laura doesn’t have … in her bag.
A. a ruler
B. three pencils
C. an eraser
D. a Mathematics book
Find things in Laura’s bag.
Laura’s statement “I bring two pencils, a pen, a ruler, an eraser, and a Mathematics textbook in it.” explains things she has in her bag. It means that she doesn’t have three pencils, but two.

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 2 Agreeing and Disagreeing

Read the dialog and fill in the blanks by choosing the correct answers from the choices given in each item.

Items 11-15 are based on the dialog on ‘School Party’.

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soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban | PenaGuru.Com

11. Tara : Wait, Theo. (11) … Today is 15th, so we’ve only got 10 days before the due day.
A. you are wrong
B. you are my friend
C. you are right
D. I agree with you
Tara disagrees with Theo by claiming that they have only 10 instead of 20 days before the party.
Tara disagrees with Theo by claiming that they have only 10 instead of 20 days before the party.

12. Diana : Yes. (12) …, Casey.
A. you are wrong
B. Yes, you are
C. No, you are not
D. you are right
Diana is expressing agreement on Casey’s previous statement.
Diana is expressing agreement on Casey’s previous statement.

13. Lolita : (13) … I think chicken curry and soup simply do not go together.
A. I agree
B. I disagree
C. I am with you
D. I go along with you
The statement following the phrase denies that curry and soup can go together as the main dishes.
The statement following the phrase denies that curry and soup can go together as the main dishes.

14. Dustin : That’s right, Rodney. (14) … Lolita. I think perhaps satay and soup are better.
A. I agree with
B. I disagree with
C. You are wrong
D. No way
Dustin states his thought which is the same as Lolita’s. Thus, he agrees with Lolita.
Dustin states his thought which is the same as Lolita’s. Thus, he agrees with Lolita.

15. Dustin : That’s right, Rodney. (4) … Lolita. I think perhaps satay and soup are better.
A. Exactly
B. No way
C. You are wrong
D. You are right
Rodney agrees with Dustin’s statement by addressing the statement to be the right statement in the discussion.
Rodney agrees with Dustin’s statement by addressing the statement to be the right statement in the discussion.

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 2 Clarification and Appreciation

16. Choose the most appropriate option of the expressions of appreciation to complete the sentences.
…. for making me a cup of coffee.
A. Sorry
B. Thank you
C. You’re welcome
D. Please make coffee
an expression of gratitude
“Thank you” as an expression of gratitude can be used as an appreciation.

17. Choose the most appropriate option of the expressions of appreciation to complete the sentences.

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Andi : Here is the copy of the book you want to borrow.
Budi : Woaa, awesome! ….
A. I really appreciate it.
B. I really want to buy it.
C. I really want to copy it.
D. I really do not know about it.
He is happy to get the copy.
Budi appreciates Andi because Andi brings a copy of the book that
Budi always wants.

18. Choose the most appropriate option of the expressions of appreciation to complete the sentences.
For teaching me how to play basketball, ….
A. you have it
B. you have my gift
C. you have my gratitude
D. you really are a good trainer
an expression of gratitude as an act of appreciation
“You have my gratitude” is used to appreciate the kindness for teaching how to play Basketball

19. The purpose of asking and giving clarification is ….
A. to say opinion
B. to say agreement with the person you are talking to
C. to say disagreement with the person you are talking to
D. to have the right information and avoid misunderstanding
Whenever we are not sure about something, we can ask for clarification.
Whenever we are not sure about something, we can ask for clarification. This can provide us to have the right information and avoid misunderstanding.

20. We need to ask for clarification in the situation like ….
A. when we know what a conversation is about
B. when people speak clearly
C. when we have difficulties to understand what other says
D. when we understand what other says
Clarification can help us to understand the conversation.
We ask for clarification when we have difficulties to understand what other says. By asking and giving clarification, people can get the right information and avoid misunderstanding.

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 2 Instructions, Short Notice, Warning/Caution

21. The below sign means ….

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soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban | PenaGuru.Com

A. turn left
B. turn right
C. stay straight
D. roundabout
Take a look at the arrow.
The arrow turns to the left. It means we have to turn left.

22. Look at the sign. The warning that suits the picture is ….

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soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban | PenaGuru.Com

A. No trespassing
B. No smoking
C. No parking
D. No standing
What picture do you see on the sign?
The sign means no smoking. In this area, people are not allowed to smoke.

23. The correct description for the sign below is ….

soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban | PenaGuru.Com
soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban | PenaGuru.Com

A. be careful of the rocky road.
B. be careful of the straight.
C. be careful of the bumpy road.
D. be careful of the slippery road.
The sign warns people that the road/ floor is slippery.
You can also find the sign for the wet floor. This is to warn people not to hurt
themselves because of the wet floor.

24. If you see this sign, you have to ….

soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban | PenaGuru.Com
soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban | PenaGuru.Com

A. keep it away from water.
B. keep it away from air.
C. keep it away from fire.
D. keep it away from the ice.
Look at the sign, it burns easily.
The sign means that the material burn easily, so have to keep it away from fire.

25. The warning sign shows that the material is ….

soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban | PenaGuru.Com
soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban | PenaGuru.Com

A. hazardous
B. flammable
C. safe
D. poisonous
There is a fire symbol. Think of a word that suits the sign.
The fire symbol shows the material is flammable. It means it burns easily.

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