Latihan Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya

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PenaGuru.Com – Salah satu jenis penilaian pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan tiap pertengahan semester berjalan adalah penilaian tengah semester (PTS) atau sering juga disebut dengan UTS (Ujian Tengah Semester). Sebelum membuat soal biasanya guru Bahasa Inggris akan mencari berbagai referensi soal-soal yang akan digunakan. Oleh Karena itu, pada postingan ini kami akan membagikan referensi soal UTS bahasa inggris kelas 9 semester 2 dan jawabannya.

Soal soal berikut ini telah disusun berdasarkan materi pelajaran semester 2 kelas 9 yaitu materi tentang narrative text dan passive voice. Kedua materi tersebut merupakan batasan materi yang sesuai dengan jumlah materi yang ada di semester genap ini. Soal juga sudah dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban sehingga bisa menjadi bahan latihan peserta didik di rumah.

Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya

Materi Soal UTS Narrative Text

Read the following text for the number 1 -4soal uts bahasa inggris kelas 9 semester 2 dan jawabannya

1. What is the topic of the text?

  • A friendship of puppet story
  • A story of greedy puppeter
  • A story of a magic puppet
  • A tricky thieve and Geppeto

2. Geppeto surprised in the morning because….

  • he saw that pinocio was alive and can walk
  • he realized that pinocio ran away from home
  • he knew that pinoco was caught by the thiesves
  • he saw that pinocio’s nose be longer whe he said the truth

3. He wanted to make a puppet… he would never feel lonely again. What is the suitable conjunction to complete the sentence?

  • and
  • so
  • if
  • also

4. What can you learn based on the story?

  • Never lie to your parents
  • Wait patiently to get what you want
  • We must be creative to make a puppet
  • Don’t be a thieve if you want to be rich

Read the following text for the number 5 – 7soal uts bahasa inggris kelas 9 semester 2 dan jawabannya
5. Why did Badang become a strong man alive?

  • Because He was a poor fisherman.
  • Because a Genie granted Badang’s wish.
  • Because Rajah of Singapura gave the power to him.
  • Because Badang could beat Wadi Wijaya by lifting a huge rock.

6. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

  • The Rajah of Singapura was impressed with Badang’s strength.
  • The Rajah of Singapura appointed Wadi to fight with Badang.
  • Badang could beat his enemy by lifting a huge rock.
  • British colonial government blasted Badang.

7. What can we learn from the story above?

  • The weakness will be defeated by the strong one.
  • Strength will not always give us a good win.
  • The strong man will lead the world well.
  • Only a strong man can defeat Badang.

Read the following text for the number 8 – 10soal uts bahasa inggris kelas 9 semester 2 dan jawabannya

8. What does the text tell us about?

  • Cinde Laras.
  • Raden Putra.
  • A cock fighting.
  • A King of Kediri Kingdom.
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9. Why did the soldiers bring the queen to the forest?

  • Because the soldiers did not like the queen.
  • Because the soldiers are asked by the King.
  • Because the queen put poison into the King’s.
  • Because the queen wanted to live in the forest.

10. What can we learn from the story?

  • Be wise in every decision you make.
  • Honest is the best attitude in our life.
  • Patient will give us a peaceful life.
  • Don’t worry about your future.

11. Arrange these jumbled sentences to make a meaningful narrative text.

  1. When he returned home, his father told him that if he had helped the miners to dig, they would have bought his salt.
  2. The man next went to a house where a wedding was taking place.
  3. A stupid man was sent by his father to sell salt.
  4. There he dug a huge hole.
  5. He first went to a mining area but nobody there wanted his salt.
  6. This made the people angry and they chased him away.

The best arrangement is …

  • 3 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 4 – 6
  • 1 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 4 – 6
  • 5 – 6 – 3 – 1 – 3 – 4
  • 6 – 1 – 3 – 5 – 2 – 4

Read the following text for the number 12 – 14soal uts bahasa inggris kelas 9 semester 2 dan jawabannya

12. Where was the stork when she heard the wolf’s shrieks of pain?

  • She was behind the wolf.
  • She was far from the wolf
  • She was near from the wolf.
  • She was not close from the wolf.

13. What did the stork do to help the wolf from a chicken bone that stuck in his throat?

  • She got hold of the bone with her short beak.
  • She pushed the chicken bone with the aid of her long beak.
  • She took the chicken bone with the aid of her short beak.
  • She pulled the chicken bone with the aid of her long beak.

14. What is the moral value of the text?

  • Don’t be an ungrateful people.
  • No one can do something perfectly.
  • Don’t blame yourself for something bad.
  • Think first deeply before taking an action.

Read the following text for the number 15 – 17

15. Where was the tiger sleeping?

  • In the middle of the forest.
  • Next to the mouse deer’s house.
  • Near the black snake sleeping under the tree.
  • Far away from the place where the mouse deer fell

16. what is the mean idea of the second paragraph?

  • The story of the king’s belt
  • The trick of the mouse deer
  • The mouse deer and the tiger
  • The beautiful belt and the tiger
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17. After reading this story, we can learn that….

  • we have to behave like the mouse deer
  • we have to be careful with the mouse deer
  • sleeping black snake was a dangerous animal
  • we have to find a way to save ourselves from danger

Materi Soal UTS Passive Voice

Choose the correct answer!

Read the following text for the question below!

Enjoy a selection of Jimbaran:
Style fresh seafood
A traditional food of Bali
Delicious Barbeque
Dance dan Music performance
Open From: 8.00 pm – 10 am
at our beautiful poolside. You Won’t Believe That You’re not In Bali!
Jl. Kramat Watu No 13, Serang, Banten, Indonesia. Tel 0818756234 Fax: (0254) 234156

18. The Ikan Bakar Jimbaran restaurant is located in Jl. Kramat Watu No 13, Serang, Banten, Indonesia.
What is the meaning of the bold word?

  • The the restaurant will deliver the order to the location
  • All food is coming from one location in Banten
  • The customer can go to Jl. Kramat Watu No. 13
  • The restaurant’s address is situated in that location

19. Somebody cleans the room every day. Passive voice is …

  • The room was clean by somebody every day.
  • The room is cleaned by somebody every day.
  • The room is clean by somebody every day.
  • Somebody has cleaned the room every day.

20. Sam has taken an English course. Passive voice is …

  • Sam has been taken an English course.
  • An English course taken by Sam.
  • An English course has been taken by Sam.
  • English courses have taken by Sam.

21. The students are using computers now. Passive voice is …

  • The computers are being used by the students now.
  • The computers are used by them now.
  • The computers were used by them now.
  • Computers is being used by them now.

22. My father fixed the car yesterday. Passive voice is …

  • My father was fixed the car yesterday.
  • My father was being fixed the car yesterday.
  • The car was fix by my father yesterday.
  • The car was fixed by my father yesterday.

23. The kid has broken the window. Passive voice is . . .

  • The window has been broken by the kid.
  • The window will be broken by the kid.
  • The window is being broken by the kid.
  • The window is broken by the kid.

Demikianlah Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya yang dapat kami bagikan semoga bisa bermanfaat buat kita semua. File Soal tersebut dapat anda dapatkan DISINI.